

Overleaf 输出(Latex)










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%% sample.bib contains your publications
\name{Kazi Ziaul Hassan}
\tagline{Problem Solver, Competitive Programmer}

% Cropped to square from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marissa_Mayer#/media/File:Marissa_Mayer_May_2014_(cropped).jpg, CC-BY 2.0
  % Not all of these are required!
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    \email{Computer Science and Engineering, BSc-CSE(KUET)}
%   \orcid{orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000} % Obviously making this up too. If you want to use this field (and also other academicons symbols), add "academicons" option to \documentclass{altacv}

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\cvsection[page1sidebar]{Basic info}
\printinfo{Email}{[email protected]}   
\printinfo{Linkedin}{\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/kazi-ziaul-hassan/}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan.}}
\printinfo{StackOverflow}{\href{https://stackoverflow.com/users/9258528/kazi-ziaul-hassan}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan}}
\printinfo{Stopstalk}{\href{https://www.stopstalk.com/user/profile/Crackeree}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan}}
\printinfo{Codeforces}{\href{https://codeforces.com/profile/Kazi_Ziaul_Hassan}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan}}
\printinfo{Codechef}{\href{https://www.codechef.com/users/crackeree_61}{crackeree\_61. . . .}}
\printinfo{Lightoj}{\href{https://lightoj.com/user/kazi-kuet}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan}}
\printinfo{Uhunt}{\href{https://uhunt.onlinejudge.org/id/904351}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan. . .}}
\printinfo{Hackerrank}{\href{https://www.hackerrank.com/kazi_kuet?hr_r=1}{Crackeree CRAK}}
\printinfo{Virtual Judge}{\href{https://vjudge.net/user/1607061}{1607061. . . . .}}
\printinfo{Spoj}{\href{https://www.spoj.com/status/crackeree/}{crackeree. . . . . . . . . .}}
\printinfo{Hackerearth}{\href{https://www.hackerearth.com/@kazi15}{Kazi Ziaul Hassan}}  


\printinfo{Date of Birth}{28th January, 1998}

\printinfo{Blood Group}{O+ve}

\printinfo{Address}{Holding No: 71,

Middle Arichpur, Tongi, Gazipur}


\cvsection{About me}
\item I am a final year student of Computer Science and Engineering department in KUET. I am adept in competitive programming and problem solving. Highly ambitious, hard-working, team player, leader, adamant, very optimistic, enthusiastic, responsible and punctual. I love to learn new things and do challenging tasks. I also love mathematics, coding, traveling, bike riding, tasting delicious food and Cricket. I believe, "The more you mistake, the more you know. The more you know, 
the less you fear".


\cvsection{Work Experience}

\cvevent{Former math and chemistry teacher}{Udvash}{Aug 2017 -- November 2019}{Khulna}

\cvevent{Text and image annotator}{Next-Solution Lab}{Nov 2020 -- Dec 2020}{Dhaka}

\cvevent{Audio annotator team leader}{Intel't Machines}{Jan 2021 -- Mar 2021}{Dhaka}

%\cvevent{Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Internship }{Air %Algerie}{sep 2017 -- Jan 2018}{Algeria, Algiers}
 %   \item Establishment of a Peer-to-peer ATC communication %simulation.
   % \item Troubleshooting and maintnance of a weather Radar .


\cvevent{B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering}{
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
{Jan 2017 -- Ongoing}{Khulna}
{\faMortarBoard CGPA: 3.37/4.00 (upto 6th semester)}

\cvevent{Higher Secondary Certificate}{Gpvt Science College \hfill \faMortarBoard GPA: 5.00/5.00}{Jan 2014 -- Dec 2016}{Dhaka}
\cvevent{Secondary School Certificate}{Siraj Uddin Sarker Vidyaniketan \& College \hfill \faMortarBoard GPA: 5.00/5.00  }{Jan 2011 -- Dec 2013}{Gazipur}
{\faMortarBoard Got General Grade Stipend}




\cvachievement{\faTrophy}{Best Team Award, 2019}{My team participated in Intra KUET Programming contest. We achieved the "Best Team Award" from our batch.}
\cvtag{Onsite Contest} 
\cvtag{Decision Making}
\cvtag{Problem Solving}
\cvtag{Data Structure}


\cvachievement{\faTrophy}{Champion, IKMO, 2017}{I participated in Intra KUET Mathematics Olympiad  (IKMO). I became the champian.}
\cvtag{Advanced Mathematics} 
\cvtag{Decision Making}
\cvtag{Problem Solving} 


\cvachievement{\faTrophy}{StackOverflow \~260 Reputation, Gold Badge}{I gave solutions to many users who had been facing problems regarding programming languages or other technical issues. I used to post my problems as well. }
\cvtag{Problem Solving} 


\cvachievement{\faTrophy}{Codechef 3 Star Rating}{Codechef is a online progranning contest platform. I achieved 3 star rating.}
\cvtag{Online Contest} 
\cvtag{Decision Making}
\cvtag{Problem Solving}
\cvtag{Data Structure}


\cvachievement{\faUsers}{National Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC)}

Rank: 282 in 2018
Rank: 152 in 2019

\cvtag{Online Contest} 
\cvtag{Decision Making}
\cvtag{Problem Solving}
\cvtag{Data Structure}


\cvachievement{\faUsers}{National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad}

9th Undergrad Regional Math Olympiad, Khulna, 2017
Status: Certified

10th Undergrad Regional Math Olympiad, Khulna, 2018
Status: Certified



\cvachievement{\faUsers}{Around 1000 Problems Solved}
I have solved around thousand problems of various categories and difficulties in Codeforces, UVA, Hackerrank, Codechef, Lightoj, SPOJ, Timus, ACMSGURU etc.



\textcolor{SlateGrey}{\textbf{Internet Of Things}}

    \item MQTT Protocol, MQTT broker setup, Mesh Network Design.
    \item AWS IoT and Microsoft Azure IoT setup.


    \item ESP programming using ESP-IDF, Xtensy-based mcu, ARM-based mcu (STM32x, Cortex ...)
    \item  Data Logger Design, Programmable Logic Controller design, VHDL, Power electronics.


    \item Closed Loop Control, SLAM robotics
    \item Accelerometer based system (Kallman Filters, quaternion based algorithms).

\textcolor{SlateGrey}{\textbf{Software (Backend)}}

    \item AWS server/CPanel setup (web hosting, Cloud hosting, Restful API, Redis, SQL ..).
    \item Linux Kernel API, POSIX, V system, Clustering, Multi-threading, FreeRTOS.

\textcolor{SlateGrey}{\textbf{Software (Frontend)}}

    \item Multi-platform Apps (Cordova, PhonegapBuild, Ionic, QT).


English \hfill TOEIC (975) 


French \hfill C2 


Arabic \hfill Native 

\cvsection{Other Interests}

\cvtag{Quantum Mechanics}
\cvtag{Classical Music}


