使用 Tikz 自动为数字线中的不同条分配不同颜色的优雅方法

使用 Tikz 自动为数字线中的不同条分配不同颜色的优雅方法


% !TeX program = lualatex
\usepackage{mathptmx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/mathptmx% is TIME NEW ROMANS
\usepackage{tgtermes} % times font
%\usepackage{wordlike}% Emulate MS Word
% Double spacing
%% One and half spacing

% the below reduce space between section header and text

\usepackage{csquotes} %for single quoatation mark
            % draw horizontal line   
            \draw (0,0) -- (17,0);
            % draw vertical lines
            \foreach \x in {0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5,7.5,8.5,9.5,10.5,11.5,12.5,13.5,14.5,15.5,16.5,17.5}
            \draw (\x cm,5pt) -- (\x cm,-0pt);
            % draw nodes
            \draw (0.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{1} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (1.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{2} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (2.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{3} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (3.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{4} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (4.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{5} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (5.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{6} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (6.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{7} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (7.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{8} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (8.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{9} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (9.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{10} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (10.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{l1} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (11.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{l2} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (12.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{l3} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (13.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{14} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (14.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{l5} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw (15.5,0) node[above=3pt] {$ x_{16} $};
            \draw (16.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$ x_{n} $} node[above=5pt] {$\rm   $};
            \draw [-] (0.5,-0.1) -- (0.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (2.5,-0.1) -- (2.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (0.5,-0.3) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{1} $} (2.5,-0.3); %1
            \draw [-] (1.5,0.9) -- (1.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (3.5,0.9) -- (3.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (1.5,0.7) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{2} $} (3.5,0.7); %2
            \draw [-] (2.5,-0.6) -- (2.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (4.5,-0.6) -- (4.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (2.5,-0.8) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{3} $} (4.5,-0.8); %3
            \draw [-] (3.5,1.0) -- (3.5,1.4);
            \draw [-] (5.5,1.0) -- (5.5,1.4);
            \draw [-] (3.5,1.2) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{4} $} (5.5,1.2); %4
            \draw [-] (4.5,-0.1) -- (4.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (6.5,-0.1) -- (6.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (4.5,-0.3) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{5} $} (6.5,-0.3); %5
            \draw [-] (5.5,0.9) -- (5.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (7.5,0.9) -- (7.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (5.5,0.7) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{6} $} (7.5,0.7); %6
            \draw [-] (6.5,-0.6) -- (6.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (8.5,-0.6) -- (8.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (6.5,-0.8) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{7} $} (8.5,-0.8); %7
            \draw [-] (7.5,1.0) -- (7.5,1.4);
            \draw [-] (9.5,1.0) -- (9.5,1.4);
            \draw [-] (7.5,1.2) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{8} $} (9.5,1.2); %8
            \draw [-] (8.5,-0.1) -- (8.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (10.5,-0.1) -- (10.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (8.5,-0.3) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{9} $} (10.5,-0.3); %9
            \draw [-] (9.5,0.9) -- (9.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (11.5,0.9) -- (11.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (9.5,0.7) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{10} $} (11.5,0.7); %10
            \draw [-] (10.5,-0.6) -- (10.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (12.5,-0.6) -- (12.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (10.5,-0.8) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{11} $} (12.5,-0.8); %11
            \draw [-] (11.5,1.0) -- (11.5,1.4);
            \draw [-] (13.5,1.0) -- (13.5,1.4);
            \draw [-] (11.5,1.2) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{12} $} (13.5,1.2); %12
            \draw [-] (12.5,-0.1) -- (12.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (14.5,-0.1) -- (14.5,-0.5);
            \draw [-] (12.5,-0.3) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{13} $} (14.5,-0.3); %13
            \draw [-] (13.5,0.9) -- (13.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (15.5,0.9) -- (15.5,0.5);
            \draw [-] (13.5,0.7) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{14} $} (15.5,0.7); %14
            \draw [-] (14.5,-0.6) -- (14.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (16.5,-0.6) -- (16.5,-1.0);
            \draw [-] (14.5,-0.8) --node [midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt] {$ B_{15} $} (16.5,-0.8); %15
        \caption{ Moving Block Bootstrap: Block size $= 2$, Overlapping $= 1$}



我还希望数轴本身($x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots, x_{n}$)的字体颜色统一,同时条形图($B_{1}, B_{2}, \dots, B_{15}$)的字体颜色也统一不同。




    \begin{tikzpicture}[blabel/.style={midway,anchor=center,fill=white,inner sep=0.5pt}]
        \draw (0,0) -- (17,0);
        \foreach \x [count=\i] in {0.5,1.5,...,15.5}
            \draw(\x,0) node[above=5pt] {$x_{\i}$} -- ++(0,5pt);
        \draw(16.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$x_{n}$} -- ++(0,5pt);
        \foreach \x [count=\i] in {1,3,...,15}
            \draw[|-|,color\x] (\x-0.5,{-0.55-0.25*(-1)^\i}) -- node[blabel,text=color\x] {$B_{\x}$} ++(2,0);
        \foreach \x [count=\i] in {2,4,...,14}
            \draw[|-|,color\x] (\x-0.5,{1.05-0.25*(-1)^(\i+1)}) -- node[blabel,text=color\x] {$B_{\x}$} ++(2,0);


\foreach \x in {1,2,...,15}
            \draw[|-|,color\x] (\x-0.5,{0.55*((-1)^\x)-0.5*(Mod(\x,2)-1)-0.25*(-1)^(int(\x/2)+1)}) -- node[blabel,text=color\x] {$B_{\x}$} ++(2,0);


\begin{tikzpicture}[blabel/.style={midway, anchor=center, fill=white, inner sep=0.5pt}]
        \draw (0,0) -- (17,0);
        \foreach \x [count=\i] in {0.5,1.5,...,15.5}
        {\draw(\x,0) node[above=5pt] {$x_{\i}$} -- ++(0,5pt);}
        \draw(16.5,0) node[above=5pt] {$x_{n}$} -- ++(0,5pt);
        \foreach \x in {1,2,...,\barnumber}
            \draw[|-|,color\x] ({\x-0.5+(\x-1)*(\barlength-1)},{0.55*((-1)^\x)-0.5*(Mod(\x,2)-1)-0.25*(-1)^(int(\x/2)+1)}) -- node[blabel,text=color\x] {$B_{\x}$} ++(\barlength,0);
