包含 calligra 包会阻止 Tex 文件编译

包含 calligra 包会阻止 Tex 文件编译

我一直在尝试使用 Manim,它用来编译 LaTex 公式的软件包之一是 calligra。我安装 LaTex 所需的其他 Manim 软件包时没有遇到任何问题,但LaTeX Error: File 'calligra.sty' not found运行时编译器仍然提示错误pdflatex file_name.tex(下面显示了触发错误的示例文件)。


\DisableLigatures{encoding = *, family = * }




Tex-live-utility 说该包已安装(我已卸载并重新安装了几次)。find <harddrive> -name "calligra.sty"未显示任何文件(即 calligra.sty 不仅被放入了错误的目录中,而且它根本没有被创建过)。我找到的唯一一个“calligra.sty”文件的下载地址是:http://lcd-www.colorado.edu/~axbr9098/tmp/licentiate/calligra.sty 我不知道它是否正确,而且使用它似乎确实不起作用。

calligra 包不再受支持吗?

这是用 BasicTex 完成的,pdfTeX 版本3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22在 mac os 上11.5.2


如果我这样做tlmgr info calligra --list,我就会得到

tlmgr info calligra --list
package:     calligra
category:    Package
shortdesc:   Calligraphic font
longdesc:    A calligraphic font in the handwriting style of the author,
             Peter Vanroose. The font is supplied as Metafont source.
             LaTeX support of the font is provided in the calligra package
             in the fundus bundle.
installed:   Yes
revision:    15878
sizes:       doc: 105k, run: 305k
relocatable: No
cat-license: other-free
cat-topics:  font font-calligraphic font-mf
cat-related: calligra-type1
collection:  collection-fontsextra
Included files, by type:
run files:
doc files:
  texmf-dist/doc/latex/calligra/testfont.pdf details="Font table"


tlmgr info fundus收益

tlmgr: cannot find package fundus, searching for other matches:

Packages containing `fundus' in their title/description:
calligra - Calligraphic font
fundus-calligra - Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
fundus-cyr - Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts
fundus-sueterlin - Sutterlin

最后tlmgr info fundus-calligra --list得到

package:     fundus-calligra
category:    Package
shortdesc:   Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
longdesc:    The package offers support for the calligra handwriting font,
             in LaTeX documents. The package is part of the fundus bundle.
installed:   Yes
revision:    26018
sizes:       src: 13k, doc: 197k, run: 5k
relocatable: No
cat-version: 1.2
cat-license: other-free
cat-topics:  font-supp
collection:  collection-latexextra
Included files, by type:
run files:
source files:
doc files:
  texmf-dist/doc/latex/fundus-calligra/calligra.pdf details="Package documentation"

