![reledpar 中混合单列和双列时连续行编号](https://linux22.com/image/439862/reledpar%20%E4%B8%AD%E6%B7%B7%E5%90%88%E5%8D%95%E5%88%97%E5%92%8C%E5%8F%8C%E5%88%97%E6%97%B6%E8%BF%9E%E7%BB%AD%E8%A1%8C%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7.png)
我有一段由一些单栏和双栏段落组成的文本。我希望在整个页面上都有连续的行号。左栏和右栏的行号应始终同步。每次分页时,行计数器都应重置为 1。
在以下示例中,第 1 页上的所有内容均运行正常。但在第 2 页上,请注意右列如何从行号 1 开始,而它应该是行号 19。
我正在使用 reledmac 2021/03/08 v2.37.1 和 reledpar 2021/03/08 v2.25.1a。
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the left column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
This is the right column.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Normal paragraph. Quite ordinary.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
Now we have a normal paragraph which is long enough to
create a page break.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the left column, numbering is OK.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
On the right column, however, numbering is out of synch.
reledpar 的维护者已经修复了这个错误,所以这个问题已经解决,我相信修复后的版本将会出现在下一个版本中。