如何在 tikzposter 中使用 [dvipscolor]xcolor

如何在 tikzposter 中使用 [dvipscolor]xcolor

dvipscolor我想从包选项中将tikzposter 的颜色更改为“蓝色” xcolor。有人能告诉我怎么做吗?

 \documentclass[25pt, landscape]{tikzposter} 
 \geometry{paperwidth=24in, paperheight=36in}

\colorlet{titlefgcolor}{blue} % <------------ This is the one I'd like to change!
\useblockstyle[]{Basic}% titleleft to left align title
\title{Maintenance Management Plan}

% -------------------------------------------- This determines margins


  \begin{tabular}{c p{21.5 cm} p{30 cm} |c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c}
 \#  & \textbf{Equipment} & \textbf{Description of Maintenance Requirements} & \textbf{JAN} & \textbf{FEB} & \textbf{MAR} & \textbf{APR} & \textbf{MAY} & \textbf{JUN} & \textbf{JUL} & \textbf{AUG} & \textbf{SEP} & \textbf{OCT} & \textbf{NOV} & \textbf{DEC} \\ 
 \hline \hline
 1&  dosing pumps: verification & Quarterly verification of seals and hoses. (see manual). & X & & & X& & & X& & &X & &  \\
 2 &Some other stuff...  &      &  & & & & & & & & & & &  \\
 3&  &      &  & & & & & & & & & & &  \\
 \hline \hline




正确的选项名称是dvipsnames。使用它作为 documentclass 选项,如下所示:

\documentclass[25pt, landscape, dvipsnames]{tikzposter} % <=============
\geometry{paperwidth=24in, paperheight=36in}


\colorlet{titlefgcolor}{Blue} % <=======================================
\useblockstyle[]{Basic}% titleleft to left align title
\title{Maintenance Management Plan}

% -------------------------------------------- This determines margins


  \begin{tabular}{c p{21.5 cm} p{30 cm} |c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c}
 \#  & \textbf{Equipment} & \textbf{Description of Maintenance Requirements} & \textbf{JAN} & \textbf{FEB} & \textbf{MAR} & \textbf{APR} & \textbf{MAY} & \textbf{JUN} & \textbf{JUL} & \textbf{AUG} & \textbf{SEP} & \textbf{OCT} & \textbf{NOV} & \textbf{DEC} \\ 
 \hline \hline
 1&  dosing pumps: verification & Quarterly verification of seals and hoses. (see manual). & X & & & X& & & X& & &X & &  \\
 2 &Some other stuff...  &      &  & & & & & & & & & & &  \\
 3&  &      &  & & & & & & & & & & &  \\
 \hline \hline


生成的 pdf 文件如下:

