当使用 Pandoc 和 Rmarkdown 时,以 tufte-latex 样式生成全宽长表

当使用 Pandoc 和 Rmarkdown 时,以 tufte-latex 样式生成全宽长表

我正在使用 Rmarkdown 编写一本书tufte,该程序包tufte-latex用于 pdf 输出。我目前的问题是,我还没有找到一种方法来让表格延伸到比输出的正常边距更宽tufte-latex


  • 在环境中包装table*(建议这里);但仅适用于长度少于 1 页的表格
  • 包装在fullwidth环境中;但这对longtable(见这里
  • 使用我的newgeometry方法,将表推到新页面上,这是不可取的
  • \setlength\LTleft\setlength\LTright这里); 我可以设置其中一个(例如将表格移到右边距),但同时设置两个都不会改变宽度。我认为这是因为列大小是由 Pandoc 固定的吗?


  • 重新定义长桌环境这里看起来很有希望,但我不完全明白答案


  • 我可以使用 Pandoc 过滤器将乳胶输出包装在附加命令或环境包装器中。例如,我有一个过滤器,可以识别宽表并将其放置在布局中\landscape(尽管这并不能解决列重叠问题)。
  • 我可以更改 Pandoc 使用的乳胶模板,这样我就可以调用其他选项/使用包


  • 表格可以干净地编译为 html 和 latex;例如,它可以将 markdown 表作为输入,并且不需要明确指定列宽
  • 它可以处理长度超过一页的表格

这是由 pandoc 生成的示例表/文档。


% ams

\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\else % if luatex or xelatex


% graphix

% booktabs

% url

% hyperref

% units.


% citations

% pandoc syntax highlighting

% table with pandoc
\usepackage{calc} % for calculating minipage widths
% Correct order of tables after \paragraph or \subparagraph
% Allow footnotes in longtable head/foot

% multiplecol

% strikeout

% morefloats

% tightlist macro required by pandoc >= 1.14

% title / author / date
\title{A Minimal Book Example}
\author{Author Name}






  >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 10\tabcolsep) * \real{0.04}}
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  >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 10\tabcolsep) * \real{0.24}}
  >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 10\tabcolsep) * \real{0.18}}
  >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 10\tabcolsep) * \real{0.13}}@{}}
Properties & Dobutamine & Isoprenaline & Ephedrine & Metaraminol & Phenylephrine \\
Uses & Stress testing, increasing CO & Severe bradycardia & ↑ SVR without ↓ in HR & ↑ SVR & ↑ SVR \\
Dosing & 5-15µg/kg/min & Infusion from 0.5-10µg/min & 3-6mg bolus & Bolus 0.5-2mg & Bolus start at 50-100mcg \\
Route & IV & IV & IV & IV & IV/IM/SC \\
Presentation & Racemic mixture of 250mg dobutamine in 20ml water & Clear solution at 1mg/ml & Clear, colourless solution in 30mg/ml ampoule & Clear, colourless solution in ampoule at 10mg/ml, typically reconstituted to 0.5mg/ml & Clear, colourless solution at 100mcg/ml \\
Absorption & IV & IV & IV or IM & IV & IV \\
Metabolism & t1/2 2-5 min. COMT to inactive metabolites. & Hepatic by COMT & Hepatic (not metabolised by MAO and COMT), giving a longer (10-60 minute) duration of action and a t1/2β of 3-6 hours & Some uptake into adrenergic nerve endings & Hepatic by MAO \\
Elimination & Urinary excretion of unchanged drug and metabolites & 50\% unchanged in urine & Renal of metabolites, t1/2β 2-3 hours & & \\
Mechanism of action & β1\textgreater\textgreater β2, D2 & β1\textgreater β2 & ↑ NA release (indirect α1) and direct α and β agonism & Direct and indirect (via ↑ NA release) α1 agonism & Direct α1 \\
Respiratory & Bronchodilation & Potent bronchodilation & Bronchodilation & & \\
CVS & ↑ HR, CO, contractility, and automaticity. Β2 effects may ↓ SVR and BP, particularly if ↓ preload. & ↑ HR and ↑ CO, modest ↑ inotropy. ↓ SVR due to β2 effects but BP usually unchanged due to ↑ CO. & Direct and indirect (via NA release) ↑ in HR, BP, and CO. Arrhythmogenic. & ↑ SVR/PVR, reflex bradycardia. Indirect ↑ in coronary flow. & ↑ SVR and BP, potential reflex bradycardia. Not arrhythmogenic. \\
CNS & Tremor & & ↑ MAC, mydriasis. & & \\
MSK & & & & & \\
Renal & ↑ RBF and ↑ urinary output with no improvement in renal function & & ↓ RBF & ↓ RBF & ↓ RBF \\
Metabolic & & & & & \\
GU & & & & ↓ Uterine blood flow & ↓ Uterine blood flow \\
GIT & & & & & \\





\setlength{\tabcolsep}{6pt} % added to fit in the textwidth<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  
    >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\textwidth - 10\tabcolsep) * \real{0.25}}
    >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\textwidth - 10\tabcolsep) * \real{0.25}}
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