

我正在尝试为多行文本添加下划线。原则上,当将文本直接输入到相应命令时,ulem 或 soul 包可以完成此操作。

\ul{some text with linebreak works well} % soul
\uline{some text with linebreak works well} % ulem

但是,我需要通过命令/宏输入文本。这是因为它是文档的标题,所以我认为将文本/标题存储在命令/宏中很方便。遗憾的是,我似乎无法让它按我想要的方式工作。这是我的 MWE。

\usepackage{soul, ulem}

%%% In class definition:
% Default value
\def\printtitle{default title}
% Provide command for user to set own title

%%% In preamble to the document --> visible to the user
%\settitle{my own title}
\settitle{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing }

    I want the title to be underlined, even with a line break. The soul package (\verb|\ul|) or the ulem package (\verb|\uline|) can do this: \newline
    \ul{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} \newline
    \uline{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} 
    However, I need the title at multiple places --> storing the title as a macro seems like a good idea. However, using the macro inside \ul{} from the soul package doesn't work: \newline
    \ul{\printtitle} \newline




编辑: David 的回答确实解决了我最初的问题。但是,我遇到了一个后续问题,它不仅使用标题,还使用标题后跟标题分隔符和副标题。下面的代码是我现在要问的。但由于我确实使用了 LuaLatex,Marcel 的回答确实解决了我迄今为止的所有问题。只需使用 lua-ul 包及其\underLine命令即可解决问题(此处未显示解决方案)。我在下图中突出显示了副标题的更改。

\usepackage{soul, ulem}

%%% In class definition:
% Default value
\def\printtitle{default title}
% Provide command for user to set own title
% If no subtitle was given by the user, set the title separator empty. In any case, provide a command for the full title
    \ifx \printsubtitle\empty \settitlesep{} \else \fi

%%% In preamble to the document --> visible to the user
\settitle{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing}
\setsubtitle{some subtitle}

    I want the title to be underlined, even with a line break. The soul package (\verb|\ul|) or the ulem package (\verb|\uline|) can do this: \newline
    \ul{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing -- some subtitle} \newline
    \uline{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing -- some subtitle} 
    However, I need the title at multiple places --> storing the title as a macro seems like a good idea. However, using the macro inside \verb|\ul{}| from the soul package doesn't work: \newline
    \ul{\printfulltitle} \newline



如果您可以使用 LuaLaTeX,那么您可以使用我的lua-ul包,该包默认可以正确与宏一起使用:

% !TEX program = lualatex
\usepackage{lua-ul, soul, ulem}

%%% In class definition:
% Default value
\def\printtitle{default title}
% Provide command for user to set own title

%%% In preamble to the document --> visible to the user
%\settitle{my own title}
\settitle{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing }

I want the title to be underlined, even with a line break. The soul package (\verb|\ul|) or the ulem package (\verb|\uline|) and for Lua\LaTeX\ also the lua-ul package (\verb|\underLine|) can do this: \newline
    \ul{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} \newline
    \uline{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} \newline
    \underLine{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} 
    However, I need the title at multiple places --> storing the title as a macro seems like a good idea. However, this only works with lua-ul's \verb|\underLine|: \newline





\usepackage{soul, ulem}

%%% In class definition:
% Default value
\def\printtitle{default title}
% Provide command for user to set own title

%%% In preamble to the document --> visible to the user
%\settitle{my own title}
\settitle{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing }

    I want the title to be underlined, even with a line break. The soul package (\verb|\ul|) or the ulem package (\verb|\uline|) can do this: \newline
    \ul{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} \newline
    \uline{long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing long title for testing} 
    However, I need the title at multiple places --> storing the title as a macro seems like a good idea. However, using the macro inside \ul{} from the soul package doesn't work: \newline
    \expandafter\ul\expandafter{\printtitle} \newline
