ulem 和 soul 包中没有自动换行

ulem 和 soul 包中没有自动换行

在下面的代码中,我定义了两个命令\refpage\refpages依次使用ulemsoul 包,但是当句子超出行尾时,它们都不会中断句子。

    Maple provides an interactive problem-solving environment,
    complete with procedures for performing symbolic,
    numeric, and graphical computations. For more information
    on the toolbar icons, refer to the \refpage{worksheet/reference/WorksheetToolbar}
    help page. At the core of the Maple computer algebra system is a powerful
    programming language. For more information on clearing the Maple internal
    memory and command, refer to the restart help page.
    Maple provides an interactive problem-solving environment,
    complete with procedures for performing symbolic,
    numeric, and graphical computations. For more information
    on the toolbar icons, refer to the \refpages{worksheet/reference/WorksheetToolbar}
    help page. At the core of the Maple computer algebra system is a powerful
    programming language. For more information on clearing the Maple internal
    memory and command, refer to the restart help page.

输出: 在此处输入图片描述


这里有解决方案:(a) 允许在字符串中任意换行;(b) 为字符串添加颜色和粗体。不过我不知道如何添加下划线部分。


% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\usepackage[colorlinks,allcolors=blue]{hyperref} % for \nolinkurl macro

\newcommand\cmdA[1]{\nolinkurl{#1}} % line-breaking
\newcommand\cmdB[1]{\textcolor{red}{\cmdA{#1}}} % coloring and line-breaking
\newcommand\cmdC[1]{\textbf{\cmdB{#1}}} % boldfacing, coloring, and line-breaking


For more information on the toolbar icons, refer to the 
\cmdA{worksheet/reference/WorksheetToolbar} help page. 

For more information on the toolbar icons, refer to the 
\cmdB{worksheet/reference/WorksheetToolbar} help page. 

For more information on the toolbar icons, refer to the 
\cmdC{worksheet/reference/WorksheetToolbar} help page. 

