而且我也尝试过使用 \page*{} 来重置图表计数器,但无济于事,我是不是做了什么愚蠢的事情?
% Standard packages
% Set page margins
\usepackage[top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in, left=1.0in, right=1.0in]{geometry}
% Set nice page headers
% Paragraph style
% Proposition environment
{\stepcounter{CountStep}\stepcounter{CountDiag}\vspace*{10pt} Step~\theCountStep\par
{\end{tikzpicture}\vspace*{-5pt}\par Diagram~\theCountDiag
\section{Opposite angles}
When two straight lines intersect (or cross), two pairs of opposite angles are formed. Opposite angles are equal.
\tkzInterLL(A,B)(C,D) \tkzGetPoint{E}
\tkzInterLL(A,B)(C,D) \tkzGetPoint{E}
\section{Alternate Angles}
When a straight line crosses two parallel lines (shown by the arrow heads on the lines), it forms two pairs of alternate angles (in a sort of a $Z$ shape). Alternate angles are equal.
\section{Corresponding angles}
Corresponding angles formed by parallel lines are equal. Corresponding angles form a sort of $F$-shape.
\section{Co-interior angles}
When a straight line crosses two parallel lines to make a kind of $C$-shape, the co-interior angles (allied angles) total $180/^{circ}$.