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\title{Compilation \\ of \\ Mealtime Prayers \\ in \\ English and Latin}
\Huge{Compilation of Mealtime Prayers in English and Latin}
\part{Temporal Cycle Propers}
\engtit{\section{Advent Ferials}}
\latcol{\emph{ante comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{before eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Veni ad liberandum nos, Domine, Deus virtutum.}
\engcol{℣. Come to deliver us, O Lord God of hosts.}
\latcol{℟. Ostende faciem tuam, et salvi erimus.}
\engcol{℟. Show Thy face, and we shall be saved.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\latcol{\emph{post comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{after eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam.}
\engcol{℣. Show us, O Lord, thy mercy.}
\latcol{℟. Et salutare tuum da nobis.}
\engcol{℟. And grant us thy salvation.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\engtit{\section{Christmas Eve (December 24)}}
\latcol{\emph{ante comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{before eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Hodie scietis quia venit Dominus.}
\engcol{℣. This day you shall know that the Lord will come.}
\latcol{℟. Et mane videbitis gloriam ejus.}
\engcol{℟. And tomorrow you shall see His glory.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\latcol{\emph{post comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{after eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Crastina die delebitur iniquitas terræ.}
\engcol{℣. Tomorrow the iniquity of the earth shall be blotted out.}
\latcol{℟. Et regnabit super nos Salvator mundi.}
\engcol{℟. And the Savior of the world shall reign over us.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\engtit{\section{Christmastide Ferials}}
\latcol{\emph{ante comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{before eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Verbum caro factum est, alleluia.}
\engcol{℣. The Word was made flesh, alleluia.}
\latcol{℟. Et habitavit in nobis, alleluia.}
\engcol{℟. And dwelt among us, alleluia.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\latcol{\emph{post comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{after eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Notum fecit Dominus, alleluia.}
\engcol{℣. The Lord has made known, alleluia.}
\latcol{℟. Salutare suum, alleluia.}
\engcol{℟. His salvation, alleluia.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\engtit{\section{Holy Name (January 2)}}
\latcol{\emph{ante comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{before eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Sit nomen Domini benedictum, alleluia.}
\engcol{℣. Blessed be the name of the Lord, alleluia.}
\latcol{℟. Ex hoc nunc et usque in sæculum, alleluia.}
\engcol{℟. Henceforth, now and forever, alleluia.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
\latcol{\emph{post comestionem:}}
\engcol{\emph{after eating:}}
\latcol{℣. Afferte Domino gloriam et honorem, alleluia.}
\engcol{℣. Give unto the Lord glory and honor, alleluia.}
\latcol{℟. Afferte Domino gloriam nomini ejus, alleluia.}
\engcol{℟. Give unto the Lord the glory of his name, alleluia.}
\latcol{℣. Gloria Patri, etc. ℟. Sicut erat, etc.}
\engcol{℣. Glory be, etc. ℟. As it was, etc.}
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