我想用 latex 写我的考试。我尝试将我的英语考试转换如下:
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic, Scale=1.5]{Simplified Arabic}
\fancyfoot[C]{\tikz{ \node [rectangle, draw = black] (rectangle) at (0,0) {\thepage/\pageref{LastPage}} }}
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\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{\ding{228} السؤال \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}}
\newcommand*{\transp}[2][-3mu]{\ensuremath{\mskip1mu\prescript{\smash{\mathrm t\mkern#1}}{}{\mathstrut#2}}}%
المملكة الأردنيّة\\
وزارة التعليم\\
جامعة ....\\
كلية الآداب والعلوم\\
قسم الرياضيات
\includegraphics[width=3.0cm,height=2.3cm]{nu2} \hfill%
العام الأكاديمي: 2023-2024 \\
$\dotfill\dotfill\dotfill \star\star\star \dotfill\dotfill\dotfill$\\
عنوان المقرر: مقدمة في التكامل\\
كود المقرر: 106-رياضيات\\
الفصل: 7\\
$\dotfill\dotfill\dotfill \star\star\star \dotfill\dotfill\dotfill$\\
\textbf{\ding{45} أستاذ المسؤول :} د. محمّد محمّد
\large امتحان منتصف الفصل 2
12 نوفمبر 2023
\exo{: ($10$ درجات)}
\noindent اختر الإجابة الصحيحة بتحديدها بدائرة الاختيار الصحيح أدناه:
\item $\displaystyle\int \frac{3x^2}{x^3 + 1} dx$ يساوي:
\choice $\ln(x^3 + 1) + C$
\choice $3\ln(x^3 + 1) + C$
\choice $\frac{1}{3}\ln(x^3 + 1) + C$
\choice $\ln(x^3) + C$
حيث $C$ ثابت حقيقي.
\item $\displaystyle\int e^{2x} dx$ يساوي:
\choice $\frac{1}{2}e^{2x} + C$
\choice $2e^x + C$
\choice $e^{2x} + C$
\choice $2e^{2x} + C$
حيث $C$ ثابت حقيقي.
\item تفكيك الكسر الجزئي للتعبير $\frac{5x^2-2x+1}{(x+2)(x-3)}$ يكتب على الشكل:
\choice $\frac{A}{x-2} + \frac{B}{x+3}$
\choice $\frac{A}{x+2} + \frac{B}{x-3}$
\choice $\frac{A}{x+2} + \frac{B}{x-2}$
\choice $\frac{A}{x-3} + \frac{B}{x+3}$
حيث $A$ و $B$ ثوابت حقيقية.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fin exercice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\exo{: ($10$ درجات)}
\noindent أجب ب''صواب'' أو ب''خطأ'' في المقترحات التّالية
\item $\displaystyle\int_{a}^{b} 5dx = 5(b-a)$.\hfill (....)
\item تكامل $\displaystyle\int 2x^2 dx$ يساوي $x^3 + C$, بحيث $C$ قيمة ثابتة.\hfill (....)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fin exercice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} % not needed in new latex versions
\usepackage{tikz,tkz-tab,moreverb} % tableau de signe moreverb not needed
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\usepackage[final]{pdfpages} %pour inserer une page pdf
\usepackage{awesomebox} %takecare
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%---- pages numbers with tikz---
\fancyfoot[C]{\tikz{ \node [rectangle, draw = black] (rectangle) at (0,0) {\thepage/\pageref{LastPage}} }}
%----New Structure Exercice -----
\newtheoremstyle{sboxexc}% name of the style to be used
{\topsep}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{\topsep}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{\itshape}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
{0pt}% of space to indent
{\bfseries}% name of head font
{}% punctuation between head and body
{ }% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
{\thmname{#1}}% Manually specify head
\newtheorem*{Exc}{\shadowbox{\ding{228} Question \arabic{counter}\optionaltext}}
\newcommand*{\transp}[2][-3mu]{\ensuremath{\mskip1mu\prescript{\smash{\mathrm t\mkern#1}}{}{\mathstrut#2}}}%
%----------------------------debut multiple choice------------------
%----------------------------Fin multiple choice------------------
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%begin entete%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Kingdom of Jordan\\
Ministry of Education\\
%et de la Recherche Scientifique\\
\textbf{-- -- -- $\star\star\star$ -- -- --}\\
...... University\\
\textbf{-- -- -- $\star\star\star$ -- -- --}\\
College of Arts \& Sciences \\
Mathematics department
\includegraphics[width=3.0cm,height=2.3cm]{example-image-b} \hfill%
Academic Year : 2023-2024 \\
$\dotfill\dotfill\dotfill \star\star\star \dotfill\dotfill\dotfill$\\
Course Title: Introduction to Integral\\
Course Code : $106$-Math\\
Section: 7\\
$\dotfill\dotfill\dotfill \star\star\star \dotfill\dotfill\dotfill$\\
\textbf{\ding{45} Responsible Professor :} Dr. ......
%-----double trais
% {\rule{\linewidth}{1.2pt}}
{\large M}idterm Exam 2\quad
(College of Computer Science
and Information Systems)\par
12 November 2023
\normalfont ( 18:30 \ding{217} 19:30 )
%{\large M}idterm exam 1\quad
%(Duration: One Hour)
%\par 09 Janvier 2023
%\normalfont ( 8h.30 \ding{217} 10h.30 )
% }}
\textbf{Name :} ................................................... \\
\textbf{Academic Number :} ...........................
\textbf{Serial Number: }...........................%\\
%\textbf{Durée :} $45$ minutes
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%end entete%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\textit{No documents are allowed. Answer all the exam questions. Your writing's clarity and precision will be considered.}
%-------fin attention-----
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%debut exercice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\exo{: ($10$ Marks)}
\noindent Choose the one correct answer by circling it below:
\item $\displaystyle\int \frac{3x^2}{x^3 + 1} dx$ is equal to:
\choice $\ln(x^3 + 1) + C$
\choice $3\ln(x^3 + 1) + C$
\choice $\frac{1}{3}\ln(x^3 + 1) + C$
\choice $\ln(x^3) + C$
Here $C$ is any real constant.
\item $\displaystyle\int e^{2x} dx$ is equal to:
\choice $\frac{1}{2}e^{2x} + C$
\choice $2e^x + C$
\choice $e^{2x} + C$
\choice $2e^{2x} + C$
Here $C$ is any real constant.
\item The partial fraction decomposition of $\frac{5x^2-2x+1}{(x+2)(x-3)}$ is expressed as:
\choice $\frac{A}{x-2} + \frac{B}{x+3}$
\choice $\frac{A}{x+2} + \frac{B}{x-3}$
\choice $\frac{A}{x+2} + \frac{B}{x-2}$
\choice $\frac{A}{x-3} + \frac{B}{x+3}$
Here $A$ and $B$ are real constants.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fin exercice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fin exercice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\exo{: ($4$ Marks)}
\noindent Answer using ``T'' for True or ``F'' for False for the given statements:
\item $\displaystyle\int_{a}^{b} 5dx = 5(b-a)$, where $a$ and $b$ are any real constants.\hfill (....)
\item The integral $\displaystyle\int 2x^2 dx$ is equal to $x^3 + C$, where $C$ is a real constant.\hfill (....)
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