使用“et al.”作为 3 位作者的 apa 和 biblatex

使用“et al.”作为 3 位作者的 apa 和 biblatex


我在使用带有“apa”样式的“biblatex”包时,遇到了 LaTeX 文档中“mincitenames”和“maxcitenames”选项的问题。根据文档,这些选项应该控制文内引文中显示的作者数量,但它们似乎没有按预期生效。

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa, pagetracker, ibidtracker=constrict, apamaxprtauth=20, mincitenames=2, maxcitenames=2 ]{biblatex}

以下是我的 github repo 链接,包括我的学术作品模板。即使是第一次引用,文内引用也只能使用 2 位作者。其他所有作者都应显示“Et al.”

对于第二个引用,应该使用 (ebd)。但这已经实现并且有效。只有“et al.”不起作用,因为 mincitenames 和 maxcitenames 选项被忽略了。


   \documentclass{article}[11pt, a4paper, oneside, ngerman]
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % neue deutsche Trennungsregeln, etc
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % korrekte Darstellung von Umlauten

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa, pagetracker, apamaxprtauth=20, ibidtracker=constrict]{biblatex}

% Remove Comma after second to last author and ampersand
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/670888/biblatex-apa-7-modification


%% Verwendung von "ebenda (ebd.)", wenn eine Quelle hintereinander zitiert wird. 
%% Dies ist nicht im Standard von APA definiert und muss somit explizit aktiviert werden.
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/449249/getting-ibid-for-apa-style-citations-from-biblatex



     % Multiple cites in one command
     % Single cite
     % No author/editor
     % Normal cite

   % Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
   % New cite
    % No author/editor or patent
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
    % Normal cite with author/editor
    % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
    % Year
    % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
    % Actual year printing
    % Save name hash for checks later

%% Bibliographie einbinden
%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% Dokument
%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

here we have 5 authors, but only 2 should be displayed \parencite{herrmann}.'et al.' is missing here.

First citation should be normal \parencite[11]{sigfridsson}, second time with ibidem
\parencite[95]{sigfridsson}, but after a second citation \parencite[282]{geer} it should appear as usual \parencite[2]{sigfridsson}.



cite修改和的代码textcite基于旧版本biblatex-apa(如果我没记错的话,它基于biblatex-apa实现第 6 版 APA 样式的版本)。在当前版本中,biblatex-apa这些宏看起来略有不同。如果我们将它们调整为当前版本,则宏将响应mincitenames/ maxcitenames。(您确定需要作者加上“et al.”?这很不寻常。通常你会看到一位作者加上“et al.”——这也是正常的 APA 样式所要求的。)

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside, ngerman]{article}
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % neue deutsche Trennungsregeln, etc
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % korrekte Darstellung von Umlauten


% Remove Comma after second to last author and ampersand
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/670888/biblatex-apa-7-modification


%% Verwendung von "ebenda (ebd.)", wenn eine Quelle hintereinander zitiert wird. 
%% Dies ist nicht im Standard von APA definiert und muss somit explizit aktiviert werden.
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/449249/getting-ibid-for-apa-style-citations-from-biblatex



   % Multiple cites in one command
   % Single cite
   % No author/editor
   % Normal cite

% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
% New cite
     % No author/editor
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
  % Normal cite with author/editor
  % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
  % Year
  % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
  % Print prenote (belongs to first cite)
  % Actual year printing
  % Save name hash for checks later

%% Bibliographie einbinden
%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
%% Dokument
%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

here we have 5 authors, but only 2 should be displayed \parencite{herrmann}.'et al.' is missing here.

First citation should be normal \parencite[11]{sigfridsson}, second time with ibidem
\parencite[95]{sigfridsson}, but after a second citation \parencite[282]{geer} it should appear as usual \parencite[2]{sigfridsson}.


这里有 5 位作者,但只应显示 2 位(Herrmann、Öfele 等,2006 年)。此处缺少“et al.” 。第一次引用应正常(Sigfridsson & Ryde,1998 年,S. 11),第二次引用应同上(ebd.,S. 95),但第二次引用后(Geer,1985 年,S. 282)应照常显示(Sigfridsson & Ryde,1998 年,S. 2)。
