我正在尝试在新的 CentOS 节点上安装 datastax-agent(当前有另外 3 个节点正常运行)。
通过 Opscenter UI 安装 datastax-agent 后,它似乎已安装,但仍然声称只有 4 个代理中的 3 个已连接。
该服务正在新节点上运行,检查 agent.log 后出现以下错误:
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,035 clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:type :bad-permissions, :message "Unable to read configuration file. Please check that the file exists and the permissions are correct (/home/datastax/dse-4.5.1/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml).\n\nIf running from a tarball install and your configuration is not located with the cassandra install, please set the 'conf_location' option in the Cassandra section of the OpsCenter cluster configuration file and resta rt opscenterd."} {:object {:type :bad-permissions, :message "Unable to read configuration file. Please check that the file exists and the permissions are correct (/home/datastax/dse-4.5.1/resources/cass andra/conf/cassandra.yaml).\n\nIf running from a tarball install and your configuration is not located with the cassandra install, please set the'conf_location' option in the Cassandra section of the Op sCenter cluster configuration file and restart opscenterd."}, :environment {private-props? true, file #<File /home/datastax/dse-4.5.1/resources/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml>}}
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at opsagent.util.cassandra_util$get_cassandra_conf.in voke(cassandra_util.clj:126)
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at opsagent.opsagent$create_thrift_conf_vars.invoke(o psagent.clj:52)
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at opsagent.opsagent$setup_thrift.invoke(opsagent.clj:140)
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at opsagent.jmx$determine_ip.invoke(jmx.clj:275)
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at opsagent.jmx$setup_jmx$fn__2001.invoke(jmx.clj:292)
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at clojure.lang.AFn.run(AFn.java:24)
ERROR [Initialization] 2014-11-03 15:54:02,036 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744
啊,这是一件愚蠢的小事,出于某种原因,运行 datastax-agent 服务所需的用户帐户的主目录具有错误的权限。一旦我弄清楚了问题所在,就很容易修复了 :)