服务器(A)正在向任务关键型警报系统(B)发送 tcp 包。
我的服务器 (C) 需要监听此流量并生成已触发警报的统计数据。我不想成为中间人,因为即使我的服务器宕机,警报也需要触发。
有没有一种设备可以转发所有发往 B 的流量,但将其镜像到 C?有没有一种解决方案可以让我监听流量而无需自己转发?
编辑:我既不控制服务器 A,也不控制服务器 B。
iptables 扩展 TEE:
The TEE target will clone a packet and redirect this clone to another machine on the local network segment. In other words, the nexthop must be the target, or you will have to configure the nexthop to forward it further if so desired.
--gateway ipaddr
Send the cloned packet to the host reachable at the given IP address. Use of (for IPv4 packets) or :: (IPv6) is invalid.
To forward all incoming traffic on eth0 to an Network Layer logging box:
-t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -j TEE --gateway 2001:db8::1