我正在尝试在我的 NVidia Jetson 上运行 FlyCap2,以便我可以使用我的 PointGrey FireFly MV 机器视觉相机。我无法运行主程序,因为它缺少 glade 库。您知道这个库是什么吗?ARM7 嵌入式 Linux 架构是否可以使用这样的库?
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~/Downloads/flycapture.$ sudo ./FlyCap2
./FlyCap2: error while loading shared libraries: libglademm-2.4.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
幸运的是,Point Grey Imaging 库似乎运行良好,我能够使用另一个示例在 FireflyMV 相机上捕获一些帧。我可能最终会跳转到 OpenCV,但如果能解决这个 glade 库问题就好了。
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~/Downloads/flycapture.$ sudo ./FlyCapture2Test
FlyCapture2 library version:
Application build date: Oct 9 2014 13:45:38
Number of cameras detected: 1
Serial number -9420273
Camera model - Firefly MV USB FMVU-03MTM
Camera vendor - Point Grey Research
Sensor - Micron MT9V022177ATM (1/3" 640x480 CMOS)
Resolution - 752x480
Firmware version -
Firmware build time - Sun Oct 26 02:34:55 2008
Grabbed image 0
Grabbed image 1
Grabbed image 2
Grabbed image 3
Grabbed image 4
Grabbed image 5
Grabbed image 6
Grabbed image 7
Grabbed image 8
Grabbed image 9
Done! Press Enter to exit...
以下是 FlyCapture ARM 版本附带的 README。我按照安装说明,将相应的库移动到 /usr/lib。
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~/Downloads/flycapture.$ cat README_ARM
FlyCapture2 ARM README
1) Overview
FlyCapture2 has been tested on a pandabard which is available from www.pandaboard.org. FlyCapture2 ARM should also work on other TI OMAP hardware such as the beagleboard. The library and all its dependencies have been compiled using the CodeSourcery cross compiler. This readme will not go in too much detail on how to configure an OMAP device and how to load a linux operating system on it. It will concentrate on installation of the FlyCapture2 library.
2) Prerequisites
* Pandaboard or other OMAP device (recommended is a pandaboard at www.pandaboard.org)
* Linux distribution on the Pandaboard (recommended is ubunut 11.04 at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapNetbook)
* A PGR usb Camera
* A powered USB hub. The pandaboard does not provide enough power to operate the camera.
3) Installation
1. Copy your flycapture-<version>_arm.tar.gz package on a network or usb drive and copy it to a location on the pandaboard.
2. untar the installation package:
> tar xvfz flycapture-<version>_arm.tar.gz
3. copy all libraries to system folders:
> cd flycapture-<version>_arm/lib
> sudo cp libflycapture.so* /usr/lib
4. configure permissions to run PGR cameras:
> sudo sh flycap2-conf
5. follow the instructions that the script takes you through
6. Restart your board.
4) Running FC2 Examples
You should be able to go into the flycapture-<version>_arm/bin folder where you extracted the package and launch any of the examples. They will run and grab some images but will error out when trying to convert between image formats. In the full release versions of FlyCapture2 ARM we will provide examples that run fully but due to the fact that there is no IPP availability on ARM the image conversions will not work in the current state of the library. Also there will be no AVI saving in this version of the library.
5) Compiling software against flycapture.
There are a number of ways you can build your software to run on an OMAP board with flycapture.
1. Build software right on the board using gnu compiler tools by installing in the least the build-essentials package from ubuntu repository.
2. Use a cross compiler to build for the target architecture. One such cross compiler that works well is CodeSourcery.
3. Set up an ARM emulator using QEmu and install ubuntu on it. Then build your software on the virtual machine.
更新:我认为这个库可能与“glade”有关,glade 是用户界面的 XML 描述。事实上,仔细查看后,我看到了两个 .glade 文件,其中一个引用了 GTK:
ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~/Downloads/flycapture.$ ls
AsyncTriggerEx FlyCapture2Test-9420273-4.pgm
C FlyCapture2Test-9420273-5.pgm
CustomImageEx FlyCapture2Test-9420273-6.pgm
ExtendedShutterEx FlyCapture2Test-9420273-7.pgm
FlyCap2 FlyCapture2Test-9420273-8.pgm
FlyCap2.glade FlyCapture2Test-9420273-9.pgm
FlyCapture2GUI_GTK.glade GigEGrabEx
FlyCapture2Test GrabCallbackEx
FlyCapture2Test-9420273-0.pgm HighDynamicRangeEx
FlyCapture2Test-9420273-1.pgm ImageEventEx
FlyCapture2Test-9420273-2.pgm MultipleCameraEx
不幸的是,安装 libglade2-dev 和 libgladeui-dev 没有帮助。
Linux x64 版 FlyCapture2 的 README 中写道:
- libraw1394-8
- libgtkmm-2.4-dev
- libglademm-2.4-dev
- libgtkglextmm-x11-dev(Ubuntu 8.10 及更高版本中为 libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev)
- libusb-1.0(仅适用于 Ubuntu 9.04 及更高版本)
Ubuntu 12.04:
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-11 libgtk2.0-0 libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev libusb-1.0-0
Ubuntu 10.04:
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-11 libgtk2.0-0 libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev libusb-1.0-0
Ubuntu 9.04:
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-8 libgtk2.0-0 libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-dev libusb-1.0
Ubuntu 8.10:
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-8 libgtk2.0-0 libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev
Ubuntu 8.04:
sudo apt-get install libraw1394-8 libgtk2.0-0 libgtkmm-2.4-dev libglademm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-dev
可以从 Point Grey 下载部分获取适用于 9.04 之前发行版的 libusb-1.0。然后可以通过双击解压的 .deb 包并按照说明手动安装 libusb-1.0。
安装 raw1394 后,您可能需要添加 raw1394 模块以便在启动时加载。
为此,只需将“raw1394”添加到 /etc/modules 文件中。