允许 cleveref 在名称和数字之间换行

允许 cleveref 在名称和数字之间换行

假设由于外部原因与风格有关,但与 (La)TeX 无关我不想在这里讨论,我希望允许cleveref在“第 xxx 节”内换行?即,我很高兴

...[一些很长的公式]... 在第节

4.10.7 你会找到完整的证明。

“引理 xxx”、“定义 xxx”以及所有类似情况也是如此。我如何允许cleveref引入换行符?


该软件包crossreftools(当前版本为 0.6,可在 CTAN 上使用)提供了两个名为\crthypercrefand的宏,\crthyperCref它们的作用基本类似于\crefand \Cref(带有nameinlink选项),允许中断交叉引用并像cleveref以前一样显示,但仅限于标准格式,即它不考虑某些\crefformat设置(但这在我的软件包的 TODO 列表中!)



\usepackage[nameinlink]{cleveref}% nameinlink is not really necessary

% Just for testing:
\section{A very long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long , long, long, long, long, long, long section title} \label{foosection}

Using \verb!\crthypercref!

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line: \crthypercref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\crthyperCref!

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line: \crthyperCref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\crtcref!

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line: \crtcref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\crtCref!

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line: \crtCref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\cref!

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line: \cref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\Cref!

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line: \Cref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\cref! again with extra letters on the line

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line (ext): \cref{foosection} we see... 

Using \verb!\Cref! again with extra letters on the line

Now some dummy text in order to force breaking at the end of the line (ext): \Cref{foosection} we see... 

