\chapter{Partial Derivatives}
Contrary to the previous chapter, now we will deal with functions of several variables along with their continuity, derivative, and intgeral behavior.
Fibration A fibration
我想知道如何才能使整个术语“Def 3.1”带下划线,以及如何使 1 后面出现冒号而不是句点。
谢谢!(Latex 初学者)
更新 1:
\declaretheoremstyle[spaceabove = 6pt, spacebelow = 6pt, headpunct={:} ,postfoothook=\noindent\hspace{-\fontdimen2\font}]{mydef}
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\chapter{Partial Differentiation}
Contrary to the previous chapter, now we will discuss the continuity and differentiation of functions of several variables.
Let $D$ be a subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$, i.e: $$D \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 = \{(x,y) \mid x\in \mathbb{R}, y\in\mathbb{R} \}$$
We say that $f:D\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is a real-valued function of two variables, if it assigns a real number $f(x,y)\, \mathrm{to\,each}\, (x,y) \in D.$ The \emph{range} of $f$ is the set of real numbers that $f$ maps to, $R\subseteq\mathbb{R}$
Let $f(x,y) = \sin(x^2y) \leadsto D = {\mathbb{R}}^2\, , R\rightarrow \left[-1,-1 \right] $
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\declaretheorem[style=mydef, name=Def, parent=chapter, preheadhook = \renewcommand{\thechapter}{\arabic{chapter}}]{definition}
\chapter{Partial Derivatives}
Contrary to the previous chapter, now we will deal with functions of several variables along with their continuity, derivative, and integral behavior.
\begin{definition}[A silly definition]
Fibration A fibration
\declaretheorem[parent=chapter,style = mydef]{definition}
\chapter{Partial Derivatives}
\begin{definition}[A silly definition]
Let $D$ be a subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$