\lipsum 包用于说明格式。
使用以下选项,枚举中的每个项目(第 1 级和第 2 级)在每个第 1 级枚举的每一行中都有相同的缩进(左边距)。这就是我想要的。但是,我还希望部分和第 1 级枚举编号左对齐。
我已经包含了第二级枚举,它按需要出现,并且 (a) 与第一级中的文本处于相同的对齐方式。
\setenumerate[1]{label=\thesection.\arabic*,labelsep*=12pt, align=left, leftmargin=*}
下面我截取了一张屏幕截图,并在 Paint 中移动了文本,以说明我想要实现的目标。我不太/不特别关心章节标题文本和段落文本是否具有相同的对齐方式。
这是 MWE。
% Section numbers and enumerate numbers are not left aligned, however the indentation of text is constant (how I want it)
% \setenumerate[1]{label=\thesection.\arabic*,labelwidth=1.5cm,labelindent=10pt,leftmargin=1.2cm}
% Section numbers and enumerate numbers are left aligned, however the indentation of the text is not constant
\setenumerate[1]{label=\thesection.\arabic*,labelsep*=12pt, align=left, leftmargin=*}
\setenumerate[2]{label=(\alph*), ref=\theenumi{} (\alph*), align=left}
\item \lipsum[2]
\section{Double digits}
\item \lipsum[2]
\item \lipsum[2]
\item \lipsum[2] % The (a) should be aligned with the text in the item above
% Section numbers and enumerate numbers are not left aligned, however the indentation of text is constant (how I want it)
% \setenumerate[1]{label=\thesection.\arabic*,labelwidth=1.5cm,labelindent=10pt,leftmargin=1.2cm}
% Section numbers and enumerate numbers are left aligned, however the indentation of the text is not constant
\setenumerate[1]{label=\thesection.\arabic*,labelsep*=12pt, widest=00.00, align=left, leftmargin=*}
\setenumerate[2]{label=(\alph*), ref=\theenumi{} (\alph*), align=left}
\item \lipsum[2]
\section{Double digits}
\item \lipsum[2]
\item \lipsum[2]
\item \lipsum[2] % The (a) should be aligned with the text in the item above