

在 minipage 环境中,我反复需要一些预定义的脚注(带有固定的样板文本),这些脚注应该使用符号脚注标记(为了更好的可检测性)以及自动编号的“正常”脚注。



这个 MWE 显示了我走了多远




%\count255=\value\@mpfn% Originally, \@mpfn is stepped. Here, we save the old value and set \@mpfn to 0, -1, -2, and so on.
\protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\ensuremath{\ddag}}% Originally: \protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}
%\setcounter{\@mpfn}{\count255}%  Restore old value

\protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\ensuremath{\ddag}}% Originally: {\protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}
\@footnotetext{A special footnote.}%



Lore ipsum\footnote{1st minipage, 1st footnote.}.
Lore ipsum\specialfnmark.
Lore ipsum\footnote{1st minipage, 2nd footnote.}.

Lore ipsum\specialfnmark.
Lore ipsum\footnote{2nd minipage, 1st footnote.}.
Lore ipsum\specialfnmark.


请注意,为了成为 MWE,此 MWE 仅使用一种特殊脚注(即\specialfnmark和)。完整的论文使用了几个这样的脚注(即、、、),宏成对出现。\specialfntext\foofnmark\foofntext\thingyfnmark\thingyfntext


  1. 从脚注标记到正确脚注文本的 PDF 链接不起作用。我收到以下错误:

      Package hyperref Warning: Ignoring empty anchor on input line 28.
      pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{Hfootnote.3}) has been already used, duplicate ignored
      pdfTeX warning (dest): name {Hfootnote.6} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
      pdfTeX warning (dest): name{Hfootnote.4} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one
      pdfTeX warning (dest): name{Hfootnote.2} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

    如何使宏定义与兼容hyperref?我已经尝试修改计数器(参见 MWE 的注释行),但没有成功。

  2. 是否可以另外使定义与fnpct包兼容,以便重新排序和水平调整句子的最后一个句号和脚注标记?


由于您想要多次使用脚注标记,因此您必须向 specialtext 添加多个锚点。hyperref 默认不执行此操作。您必须记录目标名称。\specialfntext在 minipage 末尾发出以避免必须浏览辅助文件。





\AdaptNoteMark \specialfnmark %add to fnpct.

        A special footnote.



Lore ipsum\footnote{1st minipage, 1st footnote.}.
Lore ipsum\specialfnmark.
Lore ipsum\footnote{1st minipage, 2nd footnote.}.

Lore ipsum\specialfnmark.
Lore ipsum\footnote{2nd minipage, 1st footnote.}.
Lore ipsum\specialfnmark.


