


\caption{Bacteria isolates on different media}
\textbf{Sr.No} &
  \textbf{Reference Code} &
  \textbf{Sample Location} &
  \textbf{Colony Color} &
  \textbf{Colony Morphology} &
  \textbf{Pigmentation} &
  \textbf{Media} &
  \textbf{Predicted Name Of Strain} &
  \textbf{Figures} \\* \midrule
1 &
  EMB(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  Green sheen &
  Circular &
  Green Sheen &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Eosin methylene\\    \\ blue agar\end{tabular} &
  \textit{\textbf{E.coil}} &
   \\* \midrule
2 &
  MSA(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  Yellow &
  Punctiform &
  Yellow &
  Mannitol salt agar &
  \textit{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Staphylococcus\\    \\ Epidermidis\end{tabular}}} &
   \\* \midrule
3  & MACC(P)1 & Islamabad & Off white       & Circular  & Off white       & MacConkey agar     & \textit{\textbf{Salmonella}}              &  \\* \midrule
4  & MSA(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{\textbf{Staphylococcus   aureus}} &  \\* \midrule
5 &
  B.A(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  White &
  Smooth &
  White &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Blood \\    \\ Agar\end{tabular} &
  \textit{\textbf{Pseudomonas   aeruginosa}} &
   \\* \midrule
6  & B.A(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Blood agar         & \textit{\textbf{Lactobacilli}}            &  \\* \midrule
7  & MACC(P)2 & Islamabad & Pink            & Circular  & Pink            & MacConkey agar     & \textit{\textbf{Klebsiella}}              &  \\* \midrule
8  & MACC(P)3 & Islamabad & Purple          & Irregular & Purple          & MacConkey agar     & \textit{\textbf{pseudomonas}}             &  \\* \midrule
9  & MSA(P)3  & Islamabad & Crystal White   & spherical & Crystal White   & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{\textbf{Salmonella}}              &  \\* \midrule
10 & B.A(P)3  & Islamabad & White           & Puntiform & White           & Blood agar         & \textit{\textbf{Staphylococcus}}          &  \\* \midrule
11 & MACC(P)4 & Islamabad & Orange to amber & Circular  & Orange to amber & MacConkey agar     & \textit{\textbf{Shigella}}                &  \\* \midrule
12 & MSA(P)4  & Islamabad & Yellow          & Circular  & Yellow          & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{\textbf{S. aureus}}               &  \\* \midrule
13 & MACC(P)5 & Islamabad & Pink to purple  & Circular  & Pink to purple  & MacConkey          & \textit{\textbf{Klebisella}}              &  \\* \bottomrule


假设页面尺寸为标准,边距不超过 2.5 厘米,只要允许单元格换行,表格就应该可以放在页面上。下面,通过使用列来实现换行。tabularx我还建议删除所有竖线(它们没有必要;事实上,它们会分散注意力),并将大多数 替换为\midrule\addlinespace我还会删除所有大胆的以避免造成有些粗俗和吵闹的“外观”。



\documentclass{article} % choose a suitable document class
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\settowidth\mylen{MACC(P)5} % width of column 2
\hyphenation{sal-mo-nel-la pseudo-monas mac-con-key aeru-gi-nosa epi-der-mi-dis}

\setlength\tabcolsep{2.5pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{Bacteria isolates on different media\strut}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l p{\mylen} *{6}{L} l @{}}
  Sr.No &
  Reference Code & Sample Location & Colony Color & Colony Morphology & 
  Pigmentation & Media & Predicted Name of Strain & Figures \\ 
1  & EMB(P)1  & Islamabad & Green sheen     & Circular  & Green Sheen     & Eosin methylene blue agar & \textit{E. coli}           &  \\ \addlinespace
2  & MSA(P)1  & Islamabad & Yellow          & Punctiform& Yellow          & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{Staphylococcus Epidermidis}&\\ \addlinespace
3  & MACC(P)1 & Islamabad & Off white       & Circular  & Off white       & MacConkey agar     & \textit{Salmonella}              &  \\ \addlinespace
4  & MSA(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{Staphylococcus aureus}   &  \\ \addlinespace
5  & B.A(P)1  & Islamabad & White           & Smooth    & White           & Blood Agar         & \textit{Pseudomonas aeruginosa}  &  \\ \addlinespace
6  & B.A(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Blood agar         & \textit{Lactobacilli}            &  \\ \addlinespace
7  & MACC(P)2 & Islamabad & Pink            & Circular  & Pink            & MacConkey agar     & \textit{Klebsiella}              &  \\ \addlinespace
8  & MACC(P)3 & Islamabad & Purple          & Irregular & Purple          & MacConkey agar     & \textit{pseudomonas}             &  \\ \addlinespace
9  & MSA(P)3  & Islamabad & Crystal White   & spherical & Crystal White   & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{Salmonella}              &  \\ \addlinespace
10 & B.A(P)3  & Islamabad & White           & Punctiform& White           & Blood agar         & \textit{Staphylococcus}          &  \\ \addlinespace
11 & MACC(P)4 & Islamabad & Orange to amber & Circular  & Orange to amber & MacConkey agar     & \textit{Shigella}                &  \\ \addlinespace
12 & MSA(P)4  & Islamabad & Yellow          & Circular  & Yellow          & Mannitol salt agar & \textit{S. aureus}               &  \\ \addlinespace
13 & MACC(P)5 & Islamabad & Pink to purple  & Circular  & Pink to purple  & MacConkey          & \textit{Klebisella}              &  \\ 






\caption{Bacteria isolates on different media}
\thead{Sr.\\No} &
  \thead{Reference\\ Code} &
  \thead{Sample\\ Location} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Color} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Morphology} &
  \thead{Pigmen-\\tation} &
  \thead{Media} &
  \upshape\thead{Predicted\\ Name Of Strain} &
  \thead{Figures} \\ \midrule
\caption[]{Bacteria isolates on different media - continued from previous page}\\
\thead{Sr.\\No} &
  \thead{Reference\\ Code} &
  \thead{Sample\\ Location} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Color} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Morphology} &
  \thead{Pigmen-\\tation} &
  \thead{Media} &
  \upshape\thead{Predicted Name\\ Of Strain} &
  \thead{Figures} \\ \midrule
1 &
  EMB(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  \makecell[t]{Green\\ sheen} &
  Circular &
  \makecell[t]{Green\\ sheen} &
  \makecell[t]{Eosin\\ methylene\\blue agar} &
  E.coil & \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}
   \\ \midrule
2 &
  MSA(P)1 &   Islamabad &   Yellow &   Punctiform &   Yellow &   Mannitol salt agar &  Staphylococcus Epidermidis &\includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}
   \\ \midrule
3  & MACC(P)1 & Islamabad & \makecell[t]{Off\\ white}       & Circular  & \makecell[t]{Off\\ white}       & MacConkey agar     & Salmonella              & \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
4  & MSA(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Mannitol salt agar & Staphylococcus   aureus &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
5 &
  B.A(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  White &
  Smooth &
  White &
  Blood Agar &
  Pseudomonas   aeruginosa & \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}
   \\ \midrule
6  & B.A(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Blood agar         & Lactobacilli            &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
7  & MACC(P)2 & Islamabad & Pink            & Circular  & Pink            & MacConkey agar     & Klebsiella              &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
8  & MACC(P)3 & Islamabad & Purple          & Irregular & Purple          & MacConkey agar     & pseudomonas            &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
9  & MSA(P)3  & Islamabad & \makecell[t]{Crystal\\ White}   & spherical & \makecell[t]{Crystal\\ White}   & Mannitol salt agar & Salmonella              &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
10 & B.A(P)3  & Islamabad & White           & Puntiform & White           & Blood agar         & Staphylococcus          &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
11 & MACC(P)4 & Islamabad & \makecell[t]{Orange to\\ amber} & Circular  & \makecell[t]{Orange to\\ amber} & MacConkey agar     & Shigella                &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a} \\ \midrule
12 & MSA(P)4  & Islamabad & Yellow          & Circular  & Yellow          & Mannitol salt agar & S. aureus               &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
13 & MACC(P)5 & Islamabad & \makecell[t]{Pink to\\ purple}  & Circular  & \makecell[t]{Pink to\\ purple}  & MacConkey          & Klebisell              &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=t]{example-image-a}\\ \bottomrule





\caption{Bacteria isolates on different media}
\thead{Sr.\\No} &
  \thead{Reference\\ Code} &
  \thead{Sample\\ Location} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Color} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Morphology} &
  \thead{Pigmen-\\tation} &
  \thead{Media} &
  \upshape\thead{Predicted\\ Name Of Strain} &
  \thead{Figures} \\ \midrule
\caption[]{Bacteria isolates on different media - continued from previous page}\\
\thead{Sr.\\No} &
  \thead{Reference\\ Code} &
  \thead{Sample\\ Location} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Color} &
  \thead{Colony\\ Morphology} &
  \thead{Pigmen-\\tation} &
  \thead{Media} &
  \upshape\thead{Predicted Name\\ Of Strain} &
  \thead{Figures} \\ \midrule
1 &
  EMB(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  Green sheen &
  Circular &
  Green sheen &
  Eosin methylene blue agar &
  E.coil & \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}
   \\ \midrule
2 &
  MSA(P)1 &   Islamabad &   Yellow &   Punctiform &   Yellow &   Mannitol salt agar &  Staphylococcus Epidermidis &\includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}
   \\ \midrule
3  & MACC(P)1 & Islamabad & Off white       & Circular  & Off white       & MacConkey agar     & Salmonella              & \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
4  & MSA(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Mannitol salt agar & Staphylococcus   aureus &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
5 &
  B.A(P)1 &
  Islamabad &
  White &
  Smooth &
  White &
  Blood Agar &
  Pseudomonas   aeruginosa & \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}
   \\ \midrule
6  & B.A(P)2  & Islamabad & White           & Circular  & White           & Blood agar         & Lactobacilli            &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
7  & MACC(P)2 & Islamabad & Pink            & Circular  & Pink            & MacConkey agar     & Klebsiella              &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
8  & MACC(P)3 & Islamabad & Purple          & Irregular & Purple          & MacConkey agar     & pseudomonas            &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
9  & MSA(P)3  & Islamabad & Crystal White   & spherical & Crystal White   & Mannitol salt agar & Salmonella              &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
10 & B.A(P)3  & Islamabad & White           & Puntiform & White           & Blood agar         & Staphylococcus          &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
11 & MACC(P)4 & Islamabad & Orange to amber & Circular  & Orange to amber & MacConkey agar     & Shigella                &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a} \\ \midrule
12 & MSA(P)4  & Islamabad & Yellow          & Circular  & Yellow          & Mannitol salt agar & S. aureus               &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \midrule
13 & MACC(P)5 & Islamabad & Pink to purple  & Circular  & Pink to purple  & MacConkey          & Klebisell              &  \includegraphics[width=3cm, valign=c]{example-image-a}\\ \bottomrule



  • 表格的横向页面(因为使用正常字体大小时它会比较宽)
  • xltabular表格(与@leandriis 的回答类似),
  • 对于除第一列和最后一列之外的所有列,使用CX列派生的列
  • \makcell{...}从表主体中删除所有命令
  • 用于包含要使用的图像\adjustimage{}{...},其中声明图像大小、位置和边距的通用设置
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, xltabular}
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % it also load graphicx

    \adjustboxset{width=24mm, valign=t, margin=0pt 2pt 0pt 2pt}

\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{} c
                                  c @{}}
\caption{Bacteria isolates on different media}
    &   \thead{Reference\\ Code} 
        &   \thead{Sample\\ Location} 
            & \thead{Colony\\ Color} 
                &   \thead{Colony\\ Morphology} 
                    &   \thead{Pigmen-\\tation} 
                        &   \thead{Media} 
                            & \upshape\thead{Predicted\\ Name Of Strain} 
                                &   \thead{Figures}         \\ \midrule
\caption[]{Bacteria isolates on different media (cont).}    \\
    &   \thead{Reference\\ Code}
        &   \thead{Sample\\ Location}
            & \thead{Colony\\ Color}
                &   \thead{Colony\\ Morphology}
                    &   \thead{Pigmen-\\tation}
                        &   \thead{Media}
                            & \upshape\thead{Predicted\\ Name Of Strain}
                                &   \thead{Figures}     \\ \midrule
    \multicolumn{9}{r}{\footnotesize\emph{Continue on the next page}}
%%%% table body
1   &   EMB(P)1 
        &   Islamabad 
                &   Green sheen
                    &   Circular
                        &   Green sheen
                            &   Eosin methylene blue agar
                                &   E.coil
                                    &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck} \\ \midrule
2   &   MSA(P)1 
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Yellow
                &   Punctiform
                    &   Yellow
                        &   Mannitol salt agar
                            &   Staphylococcus Epidermidis
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}   \\ \midrule
3   &   MACC(P)1    
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Off white
                &   Circular  
                    &   Off white
                        &   MacConkey agar 
                            &   Salmonella
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \midrule
4   &   MSA(P)2  
        &   Islamabad & White           
            &   Circular  
                & White
                    &   Mannitol salt agar
                        &   Staphylococcus aureus 
                            &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}          \\ \midrule
5   & B.A(P)1 
    &   Islamabad 
        &   White 
            &   Smooth 
                &   White 
                    &   Blood Agar 
                        &   Pseudomonas aeruginosa 
                            &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}         \\ \midrule
6   &   B.A(P)2 
        &   Islamabad 
            &   White
                &   Circular
                    &   White           
                        &   Blood agar         
                            &   Lactobacilli
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \midrule
7   &   MACC(P)2 
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Pink            
                &   Circular  
                    &   Pink            
                        &   MacConkey agar     
                            &   Klebsiella              
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
8   &   MACC(P)3 
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Purple          
                &   Irregular 
                    &   Purple          
                        &   MacConkey agar     
                            &   Pseudomonas            
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
9   &   MSA(P)3  
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Crystal White
                &   spherical 
                    &   Crystal White
                        &   Mannitol salt agar 
                            &   Salmonella              
                                    &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck} \\ \midrule
10  &   B.A(P)3  
        &   Islamabad 
            &   White           
                &   Puntiform 
                    &   White           
                        &   Blood agar         
                            &   Staphylococcus         
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
11  &   MACC(P)4 
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Orange to amber
                &   Circular  
                    &   Orange to amber
                        &   MacConkey agar     
                            &   Shigella                
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
12  &   MSA(P)4  
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Yellow
                &   Circular  
                    &   Yellow
                        &   Mannitol salt agar 
                            &   S. aureus               
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \midrule
13  &   MACC(P)5 
        &   Islamabad 
            &   Pink to purple
                &   Circular  
                    &   Pink to purple
                        &   MacConkey
                            &   Klebisell
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \bottomrule

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


附录: 如果您喜欢纵向页面格式的表格,那么您需要减少:

  • 表格主体字体大小,例如\footnotesize
  • 列标题字体大小,例如\scriptsize
  • \tabcolsep大小,例如 3pt
  • 减小图像尺寸,例如减小至宽度=18mm


\usepackage[top=1.5in,  % consider your next (unclear) question
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, xltabular}
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % it also load graphicx

\caption{Bacteria isolates on different media}
    \adjustboxset{width=18mm, valign=t, margin=0pt 2pt 0pt 2pt}
                                c @{}}
    &   \thead{Reference\\ Code}
        &   \thead{Sample\\ Location}
            & \thead{Colony\\ Color}
                &   \thead{Colony\\ Morphology}
                    &   \thead{Pigmen-\\tation}
                        &   \thead{Media}
                            & \upshape\thead{Predicted\\ Name Of Strain}
                                &   \thead{Figures}         \\ \midrule
%%%% table body
1   &   EMB(P)1
        &   Islamabad
                &   Green sheen
                    &   Circular
                        &   Green sheen
                            &   Eosin methylene blue agar
                                &   E.coil
                                    &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck} \\ \midrule
2   &   MSA(P)1
        &   Islamabad
            &   Yellow
                &   Punctiform
                    &   Yellow
                        &   Mannitol salt agar
                            &   Staphylococcus Epidermidis
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}   \\ \midrule
3   &   MACC(P)1
        &   Islamabad
            &   Off white
                &   Circular
                    &   Off white
                        &   MacConkey agar
                            &   Salmonella
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \midrule
4   &   MSA(P)2
        &   Islamabad & White
            &   Circular
                & White
                    &   Mannitol salt agar
                        &   Staphylococcus aureus
                            &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}          \\ \midrule
5   & B.A(P)1
    &   Islamabad
        &   White
            &   Smooth
                &   White
                    &   Blood Agar
                        &   Pseudomonas aeruginosa
                            &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}         \\ \midrule
6   &   B.A(P)2
        &   Islamabad
            &   White
                &   Circular
                    &   White
                        &   Blood agar
                            &   Lactobacilli
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \midrule
7   &   MACC(P)2
        &   Islamabad
            &   Pink
                &   Circular
                    &   Pink
                        &   MacConkey agar
                            &   Klebsiella
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
8   &   MACC(P)3
        &   Islamabad
            &   Purple
                &   Irregular
                    &   Purple
                        &   MacConkey agar
                            &   Pseudomonas
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
9   &   MSA(P)3
        &   Islamabad
            &   Crystal White
                &   spherical
                    &   Crystal White
                        &   Mannitol salt agar
                            &   Salmonella
                                    &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck} \\ \midrule
10  &   B.A(P)3
        &   Islamabad
            &   White
                &   Puntiform
                    &   White
                        &   Blood agar
                            &   Staphylococcus
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
11  &   MACC(P)4
        &   Islamabad
            &   Orange to amber
                &   Circular
                    &   Orange to amber
                        &   MacConkey agar
                            &   Shigella
                                &  \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}      \\ \midrule
12  &   MSA(P)4
        &   Islamabad
            &   Yellow
                &   Circular
                    &   Yellow
                        &   Mannitol salt agar
                            &   S. aureus
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \midrule
13  &   MACC(P)5
        &   Islamabad
            &   Pink to purple
                &   Circular
                    &   Pink to purple
                        &   MacConkey
                            &   Klebisell
                                &   \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck}     \\ \bottomrule


