

我正在dirtree制作一棵树,但我注意到在某些元素末尾的括号之间添加数字会导致树的线条断开。有什么办法可以让它们保持连接吗?有没有办法在文本和其下方的垂直线之间创建一个垂直空间(可能是 1 毫米)?最后,有没有办法缩小它(尝试更改字体大小但树的大小保持不变)?




.1 Romance.
.2 Eastern (4).
.2 Italo-Western.
.3 Italo-Dalmatian (5).
.3 Western.
.4 Gallo-Iberian.
.5 Gallo-Romance.
.6 Gallo-Italian (6).
.6 Gallo-Rhaetian.
.7 Oïl.
.8 French (5).
.8 Southeastern (1).
.7 Rhaetian (3).
.5 Ibero-Romance.
.6 East Iberian (1).
.6 Oc (2).
.6 West Iberian.
.7 Asturo-Leonese (2).
.7 Castilian (4).
.7 Portuguese-Galician (4).
.4 Pyrenean-Mozarabic.
.5 Pyrenean (1).
.2 Southern.
.3 Corsican (1).
.3 Sardinian (4).





(3)通过更改 来扩展树的大小\DTbaselineskip。使用此补丁,在保持所有线连接的情况下,树的最小大小取决于字体大小。

对于\footnotesize为 12pt,对于\large为 18pt,等等。




% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex    


%% *****************************************************************
\newlength{\upBranch} % shift up the text  lines <<<<
\setlength{\upBranch}{0.7ex} % 

\newlength{\tolineSpace} % blank space bellow text  lines  <<<

\usepackage{xpatch} % needed <<<<<<<<

\xpatchcmd{\dirtree} % root

\xpatchcmd{\dirtree} % below space
{\advance\dimen\z@ by-\@nameuse{DT@lastlevel@\the\DT@countiv}\relax}
{\advance\dimen\z@ by-\tolineSpace \advance\dimen\z@ by-\@nameuse{DT@lastlevel@\the\DT@countiv}\relax}
\xpatchcmd{\dirtree}% shift up the text  lines

%% *****************************************************************



%\setlength{\DTbaselineskip}{12pt}  % minimum size for \footnotesize 
%\setlength{\DTbaselineskip}{16pt}  %minimum size for \normalsize

\setlength{\DTbaselineskip}{18pt} %minimum size for  \large
\renewcommand{\DTstyle}{\rmfamily\large}    %

%\setlength{\DTbaselineskip}{22pt} %minimum size for  \Large
%\renewcommand{\DTstyle}{\rmfamily\Large}   %   
\textbf{Tree font size =} large

\textbf{baselineskip =} \the\baselineskip

        .1 Romance.
        .2 Eastern (4).
        .2 Italo-Western.
        .3 Italo-Dalmatian (5).
        .3 Western.
        .4 Gallo-Iberian.
        .5 Gallo-Romance.
        .6 Gallo-Italian (6).
        .6 Gallo-Rhaetian.
        .7 Oïl.
        .8 French (5).
        .8 Southeastern (1).
        .7 Rhaetian (3).
        .5 Ibero-Romance.
        .6 East Iberian (1).
        .6 Oc (2).
        .6 West Iberian.
        .7 Asturo-Leonese (2).
        .7 Castilian (4).
        .7 Portuguese-Galician (4).
        .4 Pyrenean-Mozarabic.
        .5 Pyrenean (1).
        .2 Southern.
        .3 Corsican (1).
        .3 Sardinian (4).

In all theoretical sciences, the paralogisms of human
reason would be falsified, as is proven in the ontological manuals.
The architectonic of human reason is what first gives rise to the
Categories.  As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the paralogisms
should only be used as a canon for our experience.


\setlength{\DTbaselineskip}{12pt}  % minimum size for footnotesize 

\textbf{Tree font size =} footnotesize 

\textbf{baselineskip =} \the\baselineskip
    .1 Romance.
    .2 Eastern (4).
    .2 Italo-Western.
    .3 Italo-Dalmatian (5).
    .3 Western.
    .4 Gallo-Iberian.
    .5 Gallo-Romance.
    .6 Gallo-Italian (6).
    .6 Gallo-Rhaetian.
    .7 Oïl.
    .8 French (5).
    .8 Southeastern (1).
    .7 Rhaetian (3).
    .5 Ibero-Romance.
    .6 East Iberian (1).
    .6 Oc (2).
    .6 West Iberian.
    .7 Asturo-Leonese (2).
    .7 Castilian (4).
    .7 Portuguese-Galician (4).
    .4 Pyrenean-Mozarabic.
    .5 Pyrenean (1).
    .2 Southern.
    .3 Corsican (1).
    .3 Sardinian (4).
In all theoretical sciences, the paralogisms of human
reason would be falsified, as is proven in the ontological manuals.
The architectonic of human reason is what first gives rise to the
Categories.  As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the paralogisms
should only be used as a canon for our experience.

