为什么 custom-bib 会产生此错误?长 URL 和“您无法弹出空的文字堆栈...”解决方案不适用于我的 BibTeX 样式

为什么 custom-bib 会产生此错误?长 URL 和“您无法弹出空的文字堆栈...”解决方案不适用于我的 BibTeX 样式

如果有人能帮忙就好了。我正在完成我的论文,发现通常的 BibTeX 样式不是我想要的。我想引用《自然》杂志的样式。我使用了 custom-bib 来引用,它对期刊文章很有效,但产生了一些问题:

  1. URL 不会中断,它们会向右边缘延伸几厘米。我尝试过解决方案,但都没有用。

  2. 三次引用都出现了“您无法弹出一个空的文字堆栈...”错误,但我不知道为什么。

  3. 当我仅希望 URL 用于某些引用时,URL 总是被包含在内,我该如何调整?

以下是一个 mwe:

 \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, BCOR=10mm, german, nenglish]{scrbook}

\usepackage[acronym, nopostdot, style=super, nonumberlist]{glossaries}

                pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=false]{hyperref}




\title{Errors in bibTeX}
\date{June 2021}








  title={Lineage tracing in stem cells using Cre-LoxP system},
  author={Marini, Grazia},
  note = {accessed 1 p.m. on January 4th, 2020},
  url = {https://app.biorender.com/community/gallery/s-5ebc725a6886a700ab441051-lineage-tracing-in-stem-

  title={Mouse models of neurodevelopmental disease of the basal ganglia and associated circuits},
  author={Pappas, Samuel S and Leventhal, Daniel K and Albin, Roger L and Dauer, William T},
  booktitle={Current Topics in Developmental Biology},

title = "Chapter Ten - Genetic Fate Mapping Using Site-Specific Recombinases",
editor = "Paul M. Wassarman and Philippe M. Soriano",
series = "Methods in Enzymology",
publisher = "Academic Press",
volume = "477",
pages = "153 - 181",
year = "2010",
booktitle = "Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development, Part B: Mouse Molecular Genetics, 2nd Edition",
issn = "0076-6879",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/S0076-6879(10)77010-5",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0076687910770105",
author = "Emilie Legué and Alexandra L. Joyner",
abstract = "Understanding how cells are assembled in three dimensions to generate an organ, or a whole organism, is a pivotal question in developmental biology. Similarly, it is critical to understand how adult stem cells integrate into an existing organ during regeneration or in response to injury. Key to discovering the answers to these questions is being able to study the various behaviors of distinct cell types during development or regeneration. Fate mapping techniques are fundamental to studying cell behaviors such as proliferation, movement, and lineage segregation, as the techniques allow precursor cells to be marked and their descendants followed and characterized over time. The generation of transgenic mice, combined with the use of site-specific recombinases (SSR) in the mouse genome, has provided a means to develop powerful genetic fate mapping approaches. A key advantage of genetic fate mapping is that it allows cells to be genetically marked, and therefore the mark is transmitted to all the descendants of the initially marked cells. By making modifications to the SSRs that render their enzymatic activity inducible, and the development of an assortment of reporter alleles for marking cells, increasingly sophisticated genetic fate mapping studies can be performed. In this chapter, we review the four main genetic fate mapping methods that utilize intrachromosomal recombination to mark cells (cumulative, inducible, clonal, and intersectional) and one interchromosomal method, the tools required to carry out each approach, and the practical considerations that have to be taken into account before embarking on each type of genetic fate mapping study."

这是我的自定义 bib .bst 文件(它不适合这里):https://github.com/LaTeXStruggler/NatureStyle/blob/828a463f980402aea82c767b33db24c834a00264/Problems

我希望有人擅长编辑这些 bst。我试了好几个小时,但就是不知道该如何解决这些问题。除此之外,我认为参考书目看起来很棒

