环境内部。可以吗?我做错了什么?L 2 不在它应该在的位置。
\documentclass [border = 2mm] {standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{ graphs, graphs.standard }
\usetikzlibrary{ positioning, calc }
\tikzset{ myVrtxStyle/.style = {
circle, minimum size= 4mm, fill = #1
myVrtxStyle/.default = blue
\node[myVrtxStyle] at (0, 0) (A) {};
\graph[nodes = {myVrtxStyle}, empty nodes]{
(A) -- L 1 [ below left = 1cm and 1cm of $(A)$ ] -- L 2 [below left = 1cm and 1cm of $(L 1)$];
\draw[red] (L 1) -- ++(1cm, 0) -- +(0, 1cm);
\draw[blue] (L 2) -- ++(1cm, 0) -- +(0, 1cm);
\node [myVrtxStyle = red, below left = 1cm and 1cm of $(L 1)$] {}; %Should be here
如果您希望自己进行布局,那么您需要告诉图表使用no placement
\documentclass [border = 2mm] {standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{ graphs, graphs.standard }
\usetikzlibrary{ positioning, calc }
\tikzset{ myVrtxStyle/.style = {
circle, minimum size= 4mm, fill = #1
myVrtxStyle/.default = blue
\node[myVrtxStyle] at (0, 0) (A) {};
\graph[nodes = {myVrtxStyle}, empty nodes, no placement]{
(A) -- L 1 [ below left = 1cm and 1cm of $(A)$ ] -- L 2 [below left = 1cm and 1cm of $(L 1)$];
\draw[red] (L 1) -- ++(1cm, 0) -- +(0, 1cm);
\draw[blue] (L 2) -- ++(1cm, 0) -- +(0, 1cm);
\node [myVrtxStyle = red, below left = 1cm and 1cm of $(L 1)$] {}; %Should be here