

使用authoryear样式,主要是在文档中\footcite使用带biblatex/ 的命令biber,我需要条目的第一个引用显示条目的长标题,而不是其简写,以及从第二个引用开始的简写。MWE 从第一个引用开始生成条目的简写。


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}
    title = {History of the anatidae},
    shorthand = {HFA},
    author = {Duck, Donald},
    date = {2007},
    location = {Ducksborough},
    publisher = {Waterfowl Press}

This essay discusses the \enquote{History of the anatidae} by Donald Duck.%
\footcite[][henceforth called HFA]{hfa}
Now, as mentioned in that work, \LaTeXe is frequently used to depict animals at the University of Ducksborough.%



将评论变成完整的答案。根据手册,\footfullcite将“整个引文放在脚注中,并在末尾添加一个句号。”(参见 biblatex 手册第 113 页)

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}

        title = {History of the anatidae},
        shorthand = {HFA},
        author = {Duck, Donald},
        date = {2007},
        location = {Ducksborough},
        publisher = {Waterfowl Press}

    This essay discusses the \enquote{History of the anatidae} by Donald Duck.%
    \footfullcite[][henceforth called HFA]{hfa}
    Now, as mentioned in that work, \LaTeXe is frequently used to depict animals at the University of Ducksborough.%

输出(仅脚注): 输出的脚注部分


如果您更改相关的 bibmacros,则不必使用其他命令,甚至不必自己编写“henecforth references as ...”,biblatex可以自动完成。


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear, autocite=footnote, citetracker]{biblatex}




  title     = {History of the anatidae},
  shorthand = {HFA},
  author    = {Duck, Donald},
  date      = {2007},
  location  = {Ducksborough},
  publisher = {Waterfowl Press}

This essay discusses the \enquote{History of the anatidae} by Donald Duck.%
Now, as mentioned in that work, \LaTeXe is frequently used to depict
animals at the University of Ducksborough.%
Lorem\autocite{sigfridsson} ipsum\autocite{sigfridsson}

1 唐老鸭 (2007)。鸭科动物的历史。达克斯伯勒:Waterfowl Press,此后引用为 HFA。2 HFA,第 12 页。3 Emma Sigfridsson 和 Ulf Ryde (1998)。“从静电势和力矩推导原子电荷的方法比较”。在:《计算化学杂志》19.4,第 377-395 页。doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P。4 Sigfridsson 和 Ryde 1998。


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=verbose]{biblatex}

  title     = {History of the anatidae},
  shorthand = {HFA},
  author    = {Duck, Donald},
  date      = {2007},
  location  = {Ducksborough},
  publisher = {Waterfowl Press}

This essay discusses the \enquote{History of the anatidae} by Donald Duck.%
Now, as mentioned in that work, \LaTeXe is frequently used to depict
animals at the University of Ducksborough.%
Lorem\autocite{sigfridsson} ipsum\autocite{sigfridsson}

1 唐老鸭。鸭科动物的历史。达克斯伯勒:Waterfowl Press,2007 年(以下简称 HFA)。2 HFA,第 12 页。3 Emma Sigfridsson 和 Ulf Ryde。《比较从静电势和电势矩导出原子电荷的方法》。《计算化学杂志》19.4(1998 年),第 377-395 页。doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P。4 Sigfridsson 和 Ryde,“比较从静电势和电势矩导出原子电荷的方法”。
