Biblatex 与 Biber 无法读取 .bib 文件中的 utf-8 编码条目

Biblatex 与 Biber 无法读取 .bib 文件中的 utf-8 编码条目

我是 LaTeX 新手。到目前为止,我发现的所有类似问题都可以通过使用 biblatex 和 biber 来解决。但这对我来说不起作用。

我的 .bib 文件中有一个包含 utf-8 字符的条目。它导致编译错误(当我删除该条目或仅删除该条目的摘要时,一切都恢复正常)。

这就是我的 settings.tex 中的内容


在我的 main.txt 中我使用


我正在使用 XeLaTeX 编译器处理 overleaf。

这是我的 .bib 文件中的条目:

     title = "The Structure of Economic News",
     author = "Bybee, Leland and Kelly, Bryan T and Manela, Asaf and Xiu, Dacheng",
     institution = "National Bureau of Economic Research",
     type = "Working Paper",
     series = "Working Paper Series",
     number = "26648",
     year = "2020",
     month = "January",
     doi = {10.3386/w26648},
     URL = "",
     abstract = {We propose an approach to measuring the state of the economy via textual analysis of business news. From the full text content of 800,000 Wall Street Journal articles for 1984\{2017, we estimate a topic model that summarizes business news as easily interpretable topical themes and quantifies the proportion of news attention allocated to each theme at each point in time. We then use our news attention estimates as inputs into statistical models of numerical economic time series. We demonstrate that these text-based inputs accurately track a wide range of economic activity measures and that they have incremental forecasting power for macroeconomic outcomes, above and beyond standard numerical predictors. Finally, we use our model to retrieve the news-based narratives that underly “shocks” in numerical economic data.},


错误消息(第 44 行是我的 .bib 文件中下一个条目的开始位置):

BibTeX subsystem: /tmp/biber_tmp_mXit/33e59b5ca9ec342068223d604c3f8d55_13.utf8, line 44, syntax error: found "@article", expected end of entry ("}" or ")") (skipping to next "@")



abstract = {...1984\{2017...},

括号不平衡,导致 Biber 读取文件时出错。


