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        \item Probability that more than 4 crews will be needed
        &=\mbox{Probability that there are at least $5$ ships in the system}\\
        &=1-\left[e^{-\rho}+\dfrac{\rho e^{-\rho}}{1!}+\dfrac{\rho^2 e^{-\rho}}{2!}+\dfrac{\rho^3 e^{-\rho}}{3!}+\dfrac{\rho^4 e^{-\rho}}{4!}\right]\quad\left[\because P_n=\dfrac{\rho^n e^{-\rho}}{n!}\right]\\
        &=1-e^{-\rho}\left[1+\dfrac{\rho }{1!}+\dfrac{\rho^2 }{2!}+\dfrac{\rho^3 }{3!}+\dfrac{\rho^4 }{4!}\right]\\
        &=1-e^{3/2}\left[1+\dfrac{{\left(3/2\right)} }{1!}+\dfrac{\left(3/2\right)^2 }{2!}+\dfrac{\left(3/2\right)^3 }{3!}+\dfrac{\left(3/2\right)^4 }{4!}\right]\\
\item Problems arrive at a computer center in a Poisson fashion at an average rate of 5/day. The rules of the computer center are that any man waiting to get his problem solved must aid the man whose problem is currently being solved. If the time to solve a problem  with one man has an exponential distribution with mean time $1/3$ day and if the average solving time is inversely proportional to the number of people working on the problem, find the expected system time for a person entering the line.\\
Here $\lambda=5$ problems/day and $\mu=3$ problems/day.\\
Sine the expected time in a system is given by $W_s=\dfrac{L_s}{\lambda}$, therefore first we find the expected number of persons working at any instant, i.e. $L_s$. Now
L_s =\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} nP_n=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} n\dfrac{\rho^ne^{-\rho}}{n!}=\rho e^{-\rho}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\dfrac{\rho^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}=\rho e^{-\rho}\left[1+\dfrac{\rho}{1!}+\dfrac{\rho^2}{2!}
+\ldots\right]=\rho e^{-\rho}e^{\rho}=\rho=\dfrac{\lambda}{\mu}=\dfrac53 
Therefore $W_s=\dfrac{5/3}{5}$ day $=\dfrac13$ day $=8$ hours.

\subsection{Queuing Model-III: $(M/M/1):(N/FCFS)$}
This model is also based on the assumptions made for Model-I except a limit on the capacity of the system to accommodate only $N$ customers. Therefore in this model, when the queue length reaches to its maximum capacity $N$, no further arrival will be allowed to enter the system. Such a situation may arise in an emergency room in a hospital or at a barber shop with finite number of chairs for waiting customers etc.\\


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