

基于这个问题,我想修改时间线右侧的框以显示标签(而不是年份),我想在每个条目的文本后立即指定该标签,也许在另一个 {...} 中。这可能吗?我见过链条手册,但这个似乎需要更多的知识。

\tikzset{west below/.code=\tikz@lib@place@handle@{#1}{north west}{0}{-1}{south west}{1}}
  typnode/.style={anchor=north west, text width=12cm, inner sep=0mm},
  data/.style={draw=gray, rectangle, font=\scriptsize, inner sep=0.5mm},
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm, y=-7mm]{
%draw horizontal line
\foreach \xValue in {0,5}
  \path (\xValue,0) edge[-latex] ++(0,6.5)
                    edge[dashed] ++ (down:1);

%%draw years
\foreach \year in {1995,2000}{ 
  \node[left=2pt,anchor=east,xshift=0,font=\scriptsize] at (0,\year - 1995) {$\year$}; 
\foreach \year in {1995,1996,...,2000}{ 
  \draw (-0.1,\year-1995) -- (0.1,\year-1995); \draw (0,\year-1995+.5) -- (0.1,\year-1995+.5);

\begin{scope}[start chain=ch1 going west below, node distance=+1em]
\foreach \Year/\Text in {%
    1995/{King James VI of Scotland ascends to the English throne, becoming James I of England and uniting the crowns - but not the parliaments - of the two kingdoms},
    1995.01/{King James VI of Scotland ascends to the English throne, becoming James I of England and uniting the crowns - but not the parliaments - of the two kingdoms}
  \node[typnode, at=(right:3cm), on chain=ch1, alias=Text] {\Text};
  \node[data,    base left=+2em of Text, alias=Year] {\Year};
  \draw     (Year.west) -- ++(left:3mm)
                        -- ([shift=(right:3mm)] 0,{(\Year-1995)/10})
                        --                     (0,{(\Year-1995)/10});

还有第二条垂直线穿过文本,我还没想好要删除它,当我尝试将它包含在 documentclass[article] 中时,由于我不明白的原因,我得到了 1.5 页空白页,但这些都是次要问题。


第二条垂直线来自第一个循环的第二次迭代。链接的问答使用了值34,我不知道为什么 OP 在他的原始代码中会用到这个值。只需删除 and 5/或替换循环并替换0\xValue(我在下面的代码中就是这么做的)。


\node[base right=of Text] {\Label};



  • 1995.011995.12不会被视为多年来的线性发展。您需要进行一些调整才能允许实际日期。
  • 如果\Label是多线,它可能会高于\Year节点,因此当链未调整时会产生不良结果。


\tikzset{west below/.code=\tikz@lib@place@handle@{#1}{north west}{0}{-1}{south west}{1}}
  typnode/.style={anchor=north west, text width=12cm, inner sep=0mm},
  data/.style={draw=gray, rectangle, font=\scriptsize, inner sep=0.5mm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm, y=-7mm]
%draw horizontal line
\path (0,0) edge[-latex] ++(0,6.5)
            edge[dashed] ++ (down:1);

%%draw years
\foreach \year in {1995,2000}
  \node[left=2pt, font=\scriptsize] at (0,\year-1995) {$\year$};

\foreach \year in {1995,1996, ..., 2000}
  \draw (-0.1,\year-1995   ) -- (0.1,\year-1995   )
        ( 0,  \year-1995+.5) -- (0.1,\year-1995+.5);

\begin{scope}[start chain=ch1 going west below, node distance=+1em]
\foreach \Year/\Label/\Text in {
    1995/{A Label for the first Entry}/{
      King James VI of Scotland ascends to the English throne, becoming James I
      of England and uniting the crowns -- but not the parliaments --
      of the two kingdoms},
    1995.01/{A Label for the second Entry}/{
      King James VI of Scotland ascends to the English throne, becoming James I
      of England and uniting the crowns -- but not the parliaments --
      of the two kingdoms}%
  \node[typnode, at=(right:3cm), on chain=ch1, alias=Text] {\Text};
  \node[data,    base left=+2em of Text, alias=Year] {\Year};
  \node[base right=of Text]{\Label};
  \draw     (Year.west) -- ++(left:3mm)
                        -- ([shift=(right:3mm)] 0,{(\Year-1995)/10})
                        --                     (0,{(\Year-1995)/10});


