如何基于 `\foreach` 数组进行长度计算

如何基于 `\foreach` 数组进行长度计算

我试图\drawHoshis通过为 x 和 y 坐标创建变量来提高宏的可读性,此外还运行带有括号内减号的计算(例如x * (y - 1))。我不知道为什么,但我似乎无法让 TeX 使用它。我认为这与 TikZ/PGF 中的数组有关\foreach

\foreach \sloc in {{3, 3}, {3, 7}, {7, 3}, {7, 7}, {5, 5}}{
  % This is what I'm tryig to improve:
  \filldraw (#3 * {\sloc}[0] - #3, #3 * {\sloc}[1] - #3)
    circle [radius=#3 / 10];


% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\drawHoshis{10}{19}{\step}'
  \ifthenelse{#2 = 9} { 
    \foreach \sloc in {{3, 3}, {3, 7}, {7, 3}, {7, 7}, {5, 5}}{
      \setlength{\hoshiCoordX}{\dimexpr #3 * ({\sloc}[0] - 1) \relax}
      \setlength{\hoshiCoordY}{\dimexpr #3 * ({\sloc}[1] - 1) \relax}

      \filldraw (\hoshiCoordX, \hoshiCoordY)
        circle [radius=#3 / 10];



% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\gogrid{10}{19}'
  \setlength{\step}{\dimexpr #1cm / (#2 - 1) \relax} % chktex 1

  \draw[step=\step] (0, 0) grid (#1, #1);

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\drawHoshis{10}{19}{\step}'
  \ifthenelse{#2 = 9} { 
    \foreach \sloc in {{3, 3}, {3, 7}, {7, 3}, {7, 7}, {5, 5}}{
      % This is what I'm tryig to improve:
      \filldraw (#3 * {\sloc}[0] - #3, #3 * {\sloc}[1] - #3)
        circle [radius=#3 / 10];


      \caption{Goban 1}\label{my_goban_1}



我不确定你想要代码产生什么,但如果你使用\pgfmathsetmacro而不是\setlength事情会变得容易得多,因为这会自动为你进行计算。不需要添加长度单位,因为 Ti 中的基本单位反正 Z 是 1 厘米。我还将用 替换\ifthenelse需要某些包的命令\ifnum


(#3 * {\sloc}[0] - #3, #3 * {\sloc}[1] - #3) 
({#3 * ({\sloc}[0] - 1}, {#3 * ({\sloc}[1] - 1)}) 



% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\gogrid{10}{19}'
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\step}{#1 / (#2 - 1)} % chktex 1
  \draw[step=\step] (0, 0) grid (#1, #1);

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\drawHoshis{10}{19}{\step}'
    \foreach \sloc in {{3, 3}, {3, 7}, {7, 3}, {7, 7}, {5, 5}}{
      % This is what I'm trying to improve:
      %\filldraw (#3 * {\sloc}[0] - #3, #3 * {\sloc}[1] - #3)
      \filldraw ({#3 * ({\sloc}[0] - 1}, {#3 * ({\sloc}[1] - 1)})
        circle[radius={#3 / 10}];




% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\gogrid{10}{19}'
  \pgfmathsetmacro{\step}{#1 / (#2 - 1)} % chktex 1
  \draw[step=\step] (0, 0) grid (#1, #1);

% Parameters
% 1: dimension (in cm)
% 2: board size (square)
% 3: step
% Example: A 19x19 board with size 10cm x 10cm: `\drawHoshis{10}{19}{\step}'
    \foreach \sloc in {{3, 3}, {3, 7}, {7, 3}, {7, 7}, {5, 5}}{
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\hoshiCoordX}{#3 * ({\sloc}[0] - 1)}
      \pgfmathsetmacro{\hoshiCoordY}{#3 * ({\sloc}[1] - 1)}
      \filldraw (\hoshiCoordX, \hoshiCoordY)
        circle[radius={#3 / 10}];



