在终端中运行 sqldeveloper 时出现问题

在终端中运行 sqldeveloper 时出现问题

我在终端中运行 sqldevleoper 时遇到了问题,因为我的机器上安装了 JDK 1.8,尽管它显示如下。请参考以下错误并分享您的解决方案。

Error: Java home /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 is not a JDK,
either jre/bin/java OR lib/tools.jar OR lib/dt.jar is missing.
Running SQL Developer under a JRE is not supported.

If this Java VM is actually a full JDK installation, add
SetSkipJ2SDKCheck true to one of the following files.
Otherwise specify a different Java JDK location with a
SetJavaHome directive in one of the following files:
