如何在 tikz 中叠加图形、合并形状并添加文本?

如何在 tikz 中叠加图形、合并形状并添加文本?

我想改变这个图表https://texample.net/tikz/examples/arrow-table/这样,“入站”和“物流”就覆盖了所有 4 条上行线 - 同时还可以在上面面板上创建四个字段进行写入。对于运营,我希望它只覆盖当前包含“技术和开发”以及“采购”的行。



  1. 如何在 tikz 中叠加字段?我找到了这个页面,https://tikz.dev/tikz-transparency

  2. 我怎样才能使上部的文本位于新创建的较小区域中?

  3. 我怎样才能合并错误下部的字段。

我知道这不是一个简单的例子,然而,我真的希望能对我的 3 个问题有所帮助。

为了方便起见,下面是来自 texasmple 的代码

% Table in the shape of an arrow
% Author: Gonzalo Medina


    matrix of nodes,
    row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
    text depth=1.25ex,
    text height=2.5ex,
    nodes in empty cells

\newcommand{\cbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering #1}}


  \matrix (mat) [table] {
    |[fill=colfour]|      & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|
      & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|  &                   \\
    |[fill=colfive]|      & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|
      & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|  &                   \\
    |[fill=colsix]|       & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|
      & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   \\
    |[fill=colseven]|     & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]|
      & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &                   \\

  % horizontal rules
  \foreach \row in {2,3,4}
    \draw[white] (mat-\row-1.north west) -- (mat-\row-6.north east);
  \draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-1-6.north east);
  \draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-5-1.north west) -- (mat-5-6.north east);

  % vertical rules
  \foreach \col in {2,3,4,5}
    \draw[white] (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);

  % The labels
  \node[fill=colfour] at (mat-1-3) {Firm Infrastructure};
  \node[fill=colfive] at (mat-2-3) {Human Resources Management};
  \node[fill=colsix] at (mat-3-3) {Technology Development};
  \node[fill=colseven] at (mat-4-3) {Procurement};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\cbox{Inbound Logistics}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\cbox{Operations \\\mbox{}}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\cbox{Outbound Logistics}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\cbox{Marketing \& Sales}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\cbox{Service \\\mbox{}}};
  \node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north)
    {\textsc{Support Activities}};
  \node at ([yshift=-19pt, xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south)
    {\textsc{Primary Activities}};

  % Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
  \fill[white] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
    -- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;
  \fill[white] (mat-8-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
    -- (mat-8-6.north east) -- cycle;

  % Draw the arrow tip
  \shade[top color=colfour!70, bottom color=colfour!70,
    middle color=colseven, draw=white, ultra thick] 
    (mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- 
    (mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-5.south east) -- 
    (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.north east) -- cycle;

  % The slanted "Margin" labels
    mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Margin};}]
    ( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ )
    -- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
    ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ )
    -- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

  % The braces
  \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
    (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
  \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
    (mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south);












    matrix of nodes,
    row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
    text depth=1.25ex,
    text height=2.5ex,
    nodes in empty cells

\newcommand{\cbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering #1}}


  \matrix (mat) [table] {
    |[fill=colone]|      & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|
      & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|  &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|      & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|
      & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|  &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colsix]|
      & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|     & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colseven]|
      & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &                   \\

  % horizontal rules
  \foreach \row in {2,3}
    \draw[white] (mat-\row-2.north west) -- (mat-\row-6.north east);
  \draw[white] (mat-4-3.north west) -- (mat-4-6.north east);
  \draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-3-2.north west) -- (mat-3-2.north east);
  \draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-5-3.north west) -- (mat-5-6.north east);

  % vertical rules
  \foreach \col in {4,5}
    \draw[white] (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);

  \draw[white] (mat-1-2.north west) -- (mat-8-2.south west);
  \draw[white] (mat-3-3.north west) -- (mat-8-3.south west);

  % The labels
  \node at (mat-1-3) {Firm Infrastructure};
  \node at (mat-2-3) {Human Resources Management};
  \node at (mat-3-4) {Technology Development};
  \node at (mat-4-4) {Procurement};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\cbox{Inbound Logistics}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\cbox{Operations \\\mbox{}}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\cbox{Outbound Logistics}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\cbox{Marketing \& Sales}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\cbox{Service \\\mbox{}}};
  \node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north)
    {\textsc{Support Activities}};
  \node at ([yshift=-19pt, xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south)
    {\textsc{Primary Activities}};

  % Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
  \fill[white] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
    -- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;
  \fill[white] (mat-8-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
    -- (mat-8-6.north east) -- cycle;

  % Draw the arrow tip
  \shade[top color=colfour!70, bottom color=colfour!70,
    middle color=colseven, draw=white, ultra thick] 
    (mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- 
    (mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-5.south east) -- 
    (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.north east) -- cycle;

  % The slanted "Margin" labels
    mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Margin};}]
    ( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ )
    -- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
    ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ )
    -- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

  % The braces
  \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
    (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
  \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
    (mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south);





    matrix of nodes,
    row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
    text depth=1.25ex,
    text height=2.5ex,
    nodes in empty cells

\newcommand{\cbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering #1}}


  \matrix (mat) [table] {
    |[fill=colone]|      & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|
      & |[fill=colfour]|  & |[fill=colfour]|  &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|      & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|
      & |[fill=colfive]|  & |[fill=colfive]|  &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colsix]|
      & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   & |[fill=colsix]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|     & |[fill=coltwo]| & |[fill=colseven]|
      & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| & |[fill=colseven]| \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   & |[fill=colone]|   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &                   \\
    |[fill=colone]|       & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colthree]|
      & |[fill=coltwo]|   & |[fill=colone]|   &                   \\

  % horizontal rules
  \foreach \row in {2,3,4}
    \draw[white] (mat-\row-1.north west) -- (mat-\row-6.north east);

  \draw[white,ultra thick] (mat-5-1.north west) -- (mat-5-6.north east);

  % vertical rules
  \foreach \col in {4,5}
    \draw[white] (mat-5-\col.north west) -- (mat-8-\col.south west);

  \draw[white] (mat-1-2.north west) -- (mat-8-2.south west);
  \draw[white] (mat-3-3.north west) -- (mat-8-3.south west);

  % The labels
  \node at (mat-1-3) {Firm Infrastructure};
  \node at (mat-2-3) {Human Resources Management};
  \node at (mat-3-4) {Technology Development};
  \node at (mat-4-4) {Procurement};

  \node at (mat-1-1) {One};
  \node at (mat-2-1) {Two};
  \node at (mat-3-1) {Three};
  \node at (mat-4-1) {Four};
  \node at (mat-3-2) {Five};
  \node at (mat-4-2) {Six};

  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-1) {\cbox{Inbound Logistics}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-2) {\cbox{Operations \\\mbox{}}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-3) {\cbox{Outbound Logistics}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-4) {\cbox{Marketing \& Sales}};
  \node at ([yshift=-10pt]mat-6-5) {\cbox{Service \\\mbox{}}};
  \node[rotate = 90] at ([xshift=-52pt]mat-3-1.north)
    {\textsc{Support Activities}};
  \node at ([yshift=-19pt, xshift=-0.5cm]mat-8-3.south)
    {\textsc{Primary Activities}};

  % Erase some visible lines outside the arrow
  \fill[white] (mat-1-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
    -- (mat-1-6.north east) -- cycle;
  \fill[white] (mat-8-5.north east) -- (mat-5-6.north east)
    -- (mat-8-6.north east) -- cycle;

  % Draw the arrow tip
  \shade[top color=colfour!70, bottom color=colfour!70,
    middle color=colseven, draw=white, ultra thick] 
    (mat-1-5.north) -- (mat-5-6.north) -- (mat-8-5.south) -- 
    (mat-8-5.south east) -- (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-8-5.south east) -- 
    (mat-5-6.north east) -- (mat-1-5.north east) -- cycle;

  % The slanted "Margin" labels
    mark=at position .5 with \node[transform shape] {Margin};}]
    ( $ (mat-1-5.north)!0.5!(mat-1-5.north east) $ )
    -- ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ );
    ( $ (mat-5-6.north)!0.5!(mat-5-6.north east) $ )
    -- ( $ (mat-8-5.south)!0.5!(mat-8-5.south east) $ );

  % The braces
  \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
    (mat-1-1.north west) -- (mat-5-1.north west);
  \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror, raise=6pt}]
    (mat-8-1.south west) -- (mat-8-5.south);

